This Borderlands 3 Event Should Excite Single Players

Solo Vault Hunters who have wanted to participate in raid missions should be pretty excited for Borderlands 3's latest update. For a limited time, the endgame mission Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will scale its difficulty to your party size. Typically, these kinds of missions are recommended to only be played by a party of four high-level characters. Otherwise, they're next to impossible.


As explained in a blog post on the official Borderlands site, "If you've wanted to experience Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite but were having a hard time making progress or finding a party, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and wreak havoc on Maliwan's most elite soldiers and robots."

This event was originally planned to go live at the start of the new year, but various technical issues led to its delay. It should be mentioned that the level-scaling won't automatically make this mission a cakewalk. As endgame content, it's still meant to be a significant challenge. 

The initial announcement warned players that Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is "still fundamentally designed for level 50 Vault Hunters with impressive gear, so make sure you come prepared no matter your party size."


The scaled version of the event is set to run from Jan. 16 to Jan. 30. Afterwards, the event will scale back to its previous difficulty level. In other words, if you're the kind of player who likes to go it solo, then you'd better jump in while you can. After all, those Loader Bots aren't going to blow themselves up.

While you wait to jump into this battle, there are plenty of other Borderlands 3 missions to keep you occupied. The first DLC for the game, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, dropped back in December. Moxxi's Heist sees the Vault Hunters attacking and looting a casino made in the image of Borderlands 2 protagonist Handsome Jack.

