Does The New Apex Legends Revenant Trailer Tease Another Hidden Character?

Apex Legends has officially introduced its latest character in a new trailer for Season 4: meet Revenant. We previously saw this robotic assassin killing a different newly-introduced legend – James "The Forge" McCormick – in a teaser video that ended with one heck of a surprise twist.


This new trailer shows Revenant stalking a new target. As his quarry enjoys a dinner with his family, Revenant makes his way into the restaurant. He cuts through his target's armed guards like they're nothing, showing us that he's easily the most violent character to be added to Apex Legends to date. Revenant also appears to have some kind of powered-up form, turning himself into a smoldering killer as he works his way over to his prey. 

We also learn that Revenant may see himself differently from everyone else: a glimpse in the mirror shows the reflection of a handsome human man, not the killing machine that he truly is. It appears that Revenant has convinced himself that he's more than a machine, and it drives him mad when he's reminded of his true nature.


This trailer shows us that there are more layers to Revenant than meet the eye. However, much like Revenant himself, there may be more to this trailer than we see on the surface.

Has Apex finally introduced Loba?

Though it's exciting to finally see Revenant in action, there's another character in this trailer who is worthy of some attention. In a brief moment toward the beginning of the trailer, we see the target give his daughter a gift. It appears to be some kind of wolf figurine, and the young girl accepts it excitedly. When the bloodshed begins, this young lady sees it all happen in front of her, including the deaths of both of her parents. The trailer's haunting final moments show her kneeling next to her father's body with an angry look on her face.


As pointed out by Dot Esports, this little girl could be none other than a future legend by the name of Loba. This character was first discovered months ago by data miners. We briefly hear the girl and her family speaking Portuguese in the trailer and, of course, "loba" is Portuguese for "wolf," just like the figurine given to the girl by her father.

Does this trailer reveal our first look at Loba's origin story? Does she join the Apex Games as part of her mission to avenge the deaths of her parents? Hopefully we will find out when Season 4 of Apex Legends launches on February 4.

