How Long Does It Take To Beat Warcraft 3: Reforged?

Who doesn't love a remaster? That was probably Blizzard's thinking when it announced Warcraft 3: Reforged, and early on, it sure seemed like fans were excited about a more modern version of the game. Fast forward to the present day, however, and those same fans are not so thrilled.


In a nutshell, Warcraft 3: Reforged has issues. It didn't ship with key features, and — for some strange reason — Blizzard even dropped the advertised "reforged cutscenes." That's not to say the game won't get better over time, as many do these days. But this upgraded take on Warcraft 3 isn't in the best state at the moment.

Let's say you can put all that aside, though. Say you're someone who just wants to buy Warcraft 3: Reforged, regardless of the reviews, and either experience or re-experience Blizzard's hit real-time strategy title. How many hours will you have to put into it? How long does it take to beat Warcraft 3: Reforged?

We've got the answer for you right here.

Lengthy, but not too lengthy

Here's the thing with Warcraft 3: Reforged: it's not a one-hundred-percent perfect translation of the original game. We're typically able to use earlier releases to more accurately gauge the length of their remastered versions, as the biggest changes tend to happen on the visual side. Warcraft 3: Remastered, however, alters the original's campaign. It's different enough to where the old numbers aren't quite as useful.


Warcraft 3: Remastered also includes the game's "Frozen Throne" expansion by default, so your potential playtime is extended.

All in all, you're looking at around 30 hours to completely play through Warcraft 3: Remastered, according to PCGamesN. That isn't quite as long as a gargantuan RPG like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which might have you wishing you could be cloned. It is still incredibly beefy for a real-time strategy game, though.

If you have that kind of time — and you can look past all of its flaws – Warcraft 3: Remastered will likely provide you with a decent amount of entertainment. If you're into shorter titles, however, or you don't want to reward missing features with your hard-earned cash, this game may not be for you.


