The Devil May Cry Series Passes A Major Milestone

You just can't keep a good devil hunter down. Capcom has recently updated its list of Platinum Titles, reflecting the company's sales as of the end of last year. Platinum games are those that have sold over one million copies since their release. One of the latest games to join the Platinum Titles list is 2019's Devil May Cry 5Not only has it joined the illustrious ranks of Capcom's highest performing games of all time, but at 3.1 million units sold since its release, it is now the highest-selling game in the history of the franchise. 


This is no mean feat, considering what a smash hit the franchise has been from the get-go. The original Devil May Cry began development as a Resident Evil sequel, but quickly found a fan base of its own when it was converted into its own unique (and insane) thing. While several Resident Evil installments still rank higher on the Platinum List than any DMC game, it's great to see the demon-slashing series catching up to its "parent" franchise.

Killing demons and smashing sales records

It may not surprise you is that Devil May Cry 5 is so high on the list. The game was hailed by critics as a return to form for the long-running franchise, so it's no surprise that fans turned out in droves. However, you may be shocked to learn which other installments in the series are close behind it. 


Two spots below DMC 5 is Devil May Cry 4, another well-liked entry in the series that sold three million units. Strangely enough, though the next installment below that one isn't part of the main series. The third best-selling game in the series is the 2013 reboot DmC: Devil May Cry. To call that an infamous entry among fans is to put the controversy lightly. However, it's worth noting that critical consensus has lightened up on DmC in recent years, so that may have something to do with its decent sales numbers.

Whatever the case, these figures act as further proof that Dante and his friends are here to stay. Bring on Devil May Cry 6.

