How To Turn Off The Watermark In Dreams

Media Molecule's Dreams has made game design more accessible than ever. Players of this PlayStation 4 (for now) title can craft and create full-fledged games, stunningly detailed remakes of their favorite titles, and photorealistic renderings of breakfast. Yes, breakfast. While the game encourages players to stretch their creative muscles to the fullest, these projects all have one thing in common: the Dreams watermark in the lower right corner.


What if you don't want the watermark? What if you're producing portfolio projects? What if the watermark is smack in the center of the most important part of your work of art? While you might expect Media Molecule to be a stickler regarding its watermark — it serves as free advertising, after all — the studio has given players easy access to a setting that can dim or outright remove the "made in Dreams" stamp.

To get rid of the watermark, all you have to do is hit the options button and navigate to the "My Preferences" menu. From there choose the "Display" tab and scroll to the bottom. Here you'll find a slider that allows you to turn off the watermark entirely, or just make it a little less noticeable.


Media Molecule has apparently thought of just about everything. Before the game even released, the studio listened to concerns about the graphic becoming burned into sensitive OLED screens, and therefore gave the stamp a little bit of sway and movement to prevent the issue. 

Media Molecule evidently has no hard feelings toward players who want to erase the Dreams watermark. Therefore, dreamers can feel free to achieve the most professional of screenshots, ready for picture-perfect game design portfolios.

