The Disappointing Part Of DualSense Nobody Is Talking About

The Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation 5 are almost here, but the PS5's DualSense is already hitting store shelves. And while the PS5 controller seems to be an exciting piece of technology, there appears to be at least one issue that could disappoint Sony fans.


A Greek YouTuber named Sakis Karpas received a PlayStation 5 early and discussed his initial impression of the DualSense on Twitter. In a tweet (as translated by, Karpas spoke highly of the haptic feedback, which adds a new level of immersion to the gaming experience. He called it "the best thing that has ever happened to the new generation," although it looks as though this feature could tax the new controller's battery.

After showering the DualSense with praise, Karpas claimed "The battery is a bit disappointing," but did not specify how quickly it drained. According to the YouTuber, he played a lot of Astro's Playroom, which leans heavily on the DualSense's suite of features. Games that utilize the controller to its fullest extent would presumably run the battery dry at a much faster rate.


This claim of "disappointing" battery life is especially jarring when you consider the DualSense battery reportedly offers 50% more capacity than that of the DualShock 4. That revelation, which came from a seemingly credible source on Twitter, also alluded to the possibility of a swift recharge time.

If what Karpas said is true, however, and the DualSense's battery is still draining pretty quickly, that could be quite the letdown for PlayStation fans.

Of course, there is a lot of room for speculation here. Perhaps Karpas was expecting much more from the battery life, considering it was rumored to potentially last anywhere from seven to 11 hours on a single charge. As VGC postulated, because it's such a feature-heavy controller, it is quite possible that the DualSense still has a large capacity as was previously claimed, but the extra charge is reserved specifically for those added features.

If the battery life is in fact too short, what will this mean for the PlayStation 5? With the DualSense standing out as a big draw for PS5 fans, could this have a negative impact on the console's success? More than likely, fans will grin and bear it, should the battery indeed underperform against their expectations.


It is entirely possible that if the controller does have a short enough battery life, the backlash will drive Sony to upgrade the DualSense. Nintendo put out an updated model of the Switch with an enhanced battery capacity, so it's not completely outside of the realm of possibility that Sony would do the same.

If all of the features loaded into the DualSense really do heavily tax the controller, it's important to note that both haptic feedback and the adaptive triggers can be disabled. Should you find a limited battery span problematic for continued enjoyment, a viable solution could rest in shutting those features off. Even so, it would be less than ideal if you brought home a PS5, excited to see what the DualSense had to offer, only to find yourself turning off haptic feedback and adaptive triggers.

The possibility of limited battery life is not the first piece of troubling news Sony fans have received. For Japan, the functionality of the "X" button was changed to be consistent with how it works in the U.S. Another major disappointment to gamers came when they finally saw the back of the DualSense, revealing a disheartening lack of buttons and triggers. Perhaps by the time the PlayStation 5 reaches consumers, they will be able to look past any flaws and enjoy the many innovations the controller will bring to the table.


For now, it's impossible to know what to expect. Maybe the battery will still outlast the DualShock 4, only not as much as everyone had hoped. Maybe it will still hit that 7- to 11-hour sweet spot with the extra features turned off. The majority of games likely won't utilize the controller to its fullest extent, so that could result in a better battery life overall. 

The DualSense may just last as long as a typical controller. Or maybe the worst-case scenario will come true, and the PS5 controller will need a frequent recharge. Whatever the case may be, PS5 owners will soon find out just how long they can go without plugging it in.

The PlayStation 5 will be released on Nov. 12, 2020. Until then, fans will have to wonder how the DualSense's battery will truly perform.

