Details You Missed In Cyberpunk 2077's Johnny Silverhand Trailer

After delays that stretched on for the better part of a year, the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 is only a few weeks away from its release date of Dec. 10. CD Projekt Red dropped a new trailer focused on the game's co-protagonist Johnny Silverhand, which is packed with details revealing more about the character voiced by Keanu Reeves. Not only does this trailer finally show a few things that have only been hinted at before, but it features a few characters who are more important than you might think.


Right off the bat, the trailer lets you know what its focus is, with a shot of Johnny Silverhand's, well, silver hand. From there, the trailer shows what may very well be the opening shots of the game as the player's character, V, talks to Silverhand as he rests against the wall of what looks like a hospital room, suspiciously glitching as he moves.

The trailer then shows Victor, a ripperdoc, or illegitimate augmentation surgeon, explaining that the surreal interaction with Silverhand wasn't a figment of V's imagination but a manifestation of real memories. These memories are shown in a first-person perspective shot of Silverhand taking the stage with his former rock band Samurai.

From there, the trailer dives into some exposition regarding some details about Silverhand's background that CD Projekt Red has already revealed. Specifically, Silverhand is long dead, and he died being labeled a terrorist at the cataclysmic end of the 2024 Fourth Corporate War.


A mix of gameplay footage and Silverhand memories follow, showing an enemy on a motorcycle using the same Mantis Blades main character V has. In addition, players get a glimpse of Silverhand's vintage Porsche 911, the only vehicle modeled after a real car in the game.

On its way out, the trailer features a brief, humorous exchange between the two co-protagonists. This scene hints at what Keanu Reeves meant when he said that SIlverhand has "a good sense of humor, if not a little dark sometimes."

The exit card for the trailer lists the platforms the game will be available for as the Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Stadia, with a mention that it "Plays Great Also On" Xbox Series X|S and PS5. The trailer also reasserts the release date of Dec. 10, which was in question after rumors circulated regarding another delay pushing the game into 2021. The new trailer and definite release date seem to be a good sign that gamers will have a chance to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 this holiday season.

