Famous GoldenEye Prop To Be Destroyed

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has confirmed that the 1,000-foot telescope at Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory, as seen in 1995's GoldenEye film, as well as the classic video game based on it, is set to be demolished. The dish made several discoveries in 57 years and starred in additional science fiction movies like Species and Contact, but it has developed several problems that led to catastrophic damage.


As IGN reported, the famous structure began malfunctioning in August when an auxiliary cable slipped out of its socket and fell into the dish below, leaving a large gash. There was a plan to replace the fallen cable until November, when a main cable snapped and even more cables were loose. Thus, the NSF deemed the structure unsafe to salvage and repair. The dish itself will be demolished, but the Arecibo Observatory will remain intact and open.

In a statement on the demolition, NSF director Sethuraman Panchanathan called the Arecibo Observatory a "beacon for breakthrough science," according to Yahoo News. "While this is a profound change, we will be looking for ways to assist the scientific community and maintain that strong relationship with the people of Puerto Rico," he said.


The telescope made an appearance in the final scene of GoldenEye, as Pierce Brosnan's James Bond confronted traitorous former MI6 agent Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean). The men dangled from the antenna of a satellite dish and Trevelyan fell 400 feet into the dish itself. He did survive the fall, but a suspended receiver fell on him and exploded, bringing him to his demise. The observatory was home to just one of many famous Sean Bean deaths, as he also came to his end in Middle-earth, Maryland, and Ireland.

Since the Arecibo Observatory's completion in 1963, it has been used for scientific research in radio astronomy and atmospheric science. Additionally, the site became a boisterous tourist attraction. Some of its most famous discoveries include the first indirect evidence for gravitational waves and the first planets orbiting a star other than the sun, according to National Geographic.

The observatory was previously at risk of closing in 2017 following damage from Hurricane Maria, although it did act as a shelter during the storm and its well provided water to local communities. The facility experienced budgetary constraints, but ultimately remained open both for the sake of scientific research and for benefiting Puerto Rico as a whole. It will be remembered for its contributions to science, as well as its presence in plenty of movies and video games.


As for James Bond, the character is finally making a return to video games, thanks to Hitman dev IO Interactive.

