Dr Disrespect's New Idea Is Turning Heads

Dr Disrespect is a guy with a lot of big ideas, many of which have paid off in recent months. For instance, he designed a custom map for Hi-Rez Studio's Rogue Company, which ended up being made into a bonafide arena in the game. Now, it seems as though the Doc has set his sights on a new venture, detailing his plans for a new type of gaming awards show.


Dr Disrespect recently took to Twitter to run down his ideas for what would make a good awards show, which led to this statement: "I think the gaming industry needs an award show that focuses on things that really matter. Examples: Best Multiplayer Map design, best weapon skin design, best single player level, best menu music, funniest clip, gameplay clip of the year..etc etc." The Doc finished his thought with a hint that he could launch such an awards show as early as next year.

The timing of the Doc's pitch is certainly not coincidental. His idea for a new kind of game awards show comes hot on the heels of the Golden Joystick Awards, and less than two weeks before the 2020 Game Awards. While there are some neat surprises among the Game Awards nominees this year, with surprise hits like Hades racking up multiple nominations, it seems as though the Doc is less than impressed.


In a follow-up to his original tweet regarding gaming awards, Dr Disrespect remarked that the purpose of his awards show would be to "Reward the true creatives in the industry."

Judging from the responses to his tweets, many of Dr Disrespect's fans are completely on board with his idea for a new awards program. One follower mentioned that they appreciated when each detail of a game was closely examined, which is why they used to enjoy watching G4's programming. Another user said that the gaming industry could be in much better shape if the Doc was able to get more of his ideas out there. 

At least a few of the Doc's followers felt that the people running other game awards shows were out of touch with the fans. One gamer mentioned the fact that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare won "Best Audio Design" at the 2019 Game Awards, which was a decision that was lamented by many fans on social media.

Even some of the Doc's fellow streamers got in on the idea. In particular, TimTheTatman quipped that there could be a category for "fastest content creator."

It remains to be seen how seriously the Doc is taking this idea for a new awards show, which seems like a huge endeavor. However, the streamer has never backed down from a challenge before, so fans may not have to wait too long for more information.


