Control Fans May Want To Keep An Eye On The New Fable

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that one of its largest IPs, Fable, was getting a new entry in the series. While information about the current title is still pretty limited, fans of the series were recently given exciting news regarding a certain Control writer making her way onto the Fable team.


On Dec. 17, Anna Megill, the narrative lead for Control, announced on Twitter that she will be joining Playground Games as a lead writer for Fable. Stating how much Fable impacted her as a game developer, Megill expressed her excitement about the new role that she plans on starting in 2021.

"Fable holds a special place in my heart," Megill wrote. "It came out the year I started in gamedev, and its the first game I played with a developer's eye. I loved understanding the how and why of my story choices and seeing the impact I had on the NPCs around me."

Megill explained that she was apprehensive at first about taking on the position, jokingly stating that she thought the game's vision was going to be "just a bunch of medieval fart jokes." She was unsure if the new Fable entry was going to be the right fit for her. But after getting reassurance from the game's story developers and insight into the process, she knew she had to join the team. Now, she's looking forward to living "in an English country cottage" to "write fairy tales."


Megill has been in the game development industry for 16 years, working on a variety of titles such as Guild Wars 2, Murdered: Souls Suspect, Dishonored: Death of the Outside, and of course Control. This latest career move will have her shifting from her position at Massive Entertainment to Playground Games. The team behind Fable's development is actually shaping up quite nicely. There are a ton of scriptwriters, level designers, and artists across a variety of well-known studios like Bioware, Gearbox, and Ninja Theory. So Megill's inclusion is certainly most welcome, especially after how well-received Control was.

Aside from this new member being added to the team, information about Fable's development is still very much under wraps. The game's announcement trailer was a brief one-minute clip showing off a fairy flying around, only to be swallowed up by a frog. While there is a ton of speculation regarding the game's release date, story, characters, and gameplay, Playground Games' lips have remained sealed. Currently, all we do know is that the game will only be available for Xbox Series X and PC.

