Call Of Duty Grandma Turns Heads With Impressive Sniper Skills

Move over, Skyrim Grandma. The internet's favorite streaming grandparent, TacticalGramma, showed that not only can she win over viewers online, but she can also dominate opponents with her solid sniping skills in Call of Duty: Warzone.


A new video posted on Reddit by Grandpagamerguy, who has shared some great TacticalGramma content in the past, shows clips of the 55-year-old grandmother of one landing some tough shots in high-pressure situations. Tactical Gramma hits quick reaction shots of enemies behind cover, trades rounds with enemies across the map, and even downs the pilot of a helicopter moving at full speed.

TacticalGramma, whose real name is Michelle Statham, first caught the streaming community's attention when Good News Network featured her in May 2020. She had been streaming shooters such as Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone for about five months at that point, and was recognized not so much for her gaming skills but her positive interactions with viewers. Her husband, Shawn, told the Good News Network, "She has been helping so many people, from young single moms to college students to inner city youth."


Even TacticalGramma herself downplayed her skills at that time, explaining, "I'm definitely not the best at gaming or anything, but I love chatting with the community, and I love to play."

However, fans on Reddit seem to feel differently about the skills she has demonstrated. One video showing off her sniping skills has received over 4,000 upvotes on Reddit. The top voted comment on that post said, "Her streams seem like they're fun to watch! Also, this grandma is way better at Warzone than I'll ever be."

While streaming to her more than 50,000 followers on Facebook Gaming may be a new hobby for TacticalGramma, gaming is not. GameByte reveals that she began developing the reflexes that have helped make her a master sniper back in the '70s playing Pong on the Atari. All of that practice has helped her earn a 1.2 K/D ratio in Warzone, an impressive achievement for any Call of Duty regular.

However, one suspicious Redditor does note that her gun of choice in the video, the SP-R 208, was notoriously overpowered when TacticalGramma recorded the clips. Grandpagamerguy acknowledged as much, but indicated that she also uses the Kar98k frequently. In addition, a video posted the very next day shows her skills with both the Kar98k and the Ram-7, putting to rest any questions of her all-around Warzone skills.


