Mass Effect Fans Just Got The Best News

As gamers continue to wait for the next entry in the Mass Effect series, gobbling up every rumor and look at the new game they can get, BioWare has revealed some exciting news to keep fans fed for a bit. Just recently, BioWare dropped a trailer for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a remaster of the original Mass Effect trilogy. This set of games will offer fans both old and new an opportunity to play through enhanced versions of these beloved titles.


The trailer for Mass Effect Legendary Edition was uploaded on the franchise's official YouTube account. Featuring 4K ultra HD visuals, the trailer for the collection showed off Captain Shepard and their crew taking on hordes of enemies in the series' Milky Way galaxy setting. In between these action shots, scenes featuring characters across the series were showcased, and it's really where the game shines. The series emphasizes player choice and has a memorable cast of characters, so getting to see these familiar faces in HD should definitely warm the hearts of fans.

In addition to the enhanced graphics, this collection will also contain all of the DLC from each featured entry. With over 40 DLC packs to play through, players can enjoy every piece of equipment in just one big package, essentially making this collection the definitive way to experience the trilogy. During a preview event, Polygon reported that project director Marc Walters wanted to stay close to original games. "We really stayed true to everything that you would remember in your mind's eye, like your nostalgia of the game had to be consistent," Walters said.


However, BioWare is making an effort to make the titles' character creation menus more inclusive. In the original trilogy, players were a bit more restricted when making characters that had a darker skin tone or a different hair texture. During an interview with The Verge, environment and character director Kevin Meek spoke on this issue and explained that the new collection remedies the problem.

In order to alleviate the issue, the team has worked hard at incorporating a variety of hairstyles and tweaking Shepard's model in order to ensure that players can make a character that represents them. "You don't want to grab people's attention, you just want it to fit within the Mass Effect universe," Meek said. In the new collection, players will now have more options when customizing the female version of Shepard, and these cosmetic changes will also stay consistent as the player goes through each entry in the collection.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is set to release on May 14 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Additionally, the collection will also have some slight enhancements for Xbox Series and PlayStation 5 consoles.

