Survey: The Assassin's Creed Game People Want Gone From The Franchise

Longtime fans of super successful gaming franchises realize that there's bound to be a dud littered among the greats.

At some point, a well-known gaming IP slips up and disappoints loyalists with a series entry that's lesser than its predecessors. Resident Evil took a step back when it tried to go the co-op multiplayer route with Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Sonic the Hedgehog's 2006 release further sullied the blue speedster's reputation, and Mass Effect took a turn for the worse with Mass Effect: Andromeda.


Those are just a few examples of weak entries in gaming franchises that many wish could be deleted altogether. SVG presented a pretty tough question to Assassin's Creed fanatics that presents that very same scenario: if you could get rid of one Assassin's Creed game from the franchise, which would you choose?

618 respondents made their voices heard for this survey and the series entry that got the most votes is actually quite shocking. You may be surprised to hear that most fans want Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag wiped from existence.

Many Assassin's Creed fans dislike Black Flag

According to SVG's survey, 21.36% of Assassin's Creed fans want Black Flag gone from Ubisoft's biggest IP.

That result is completely unexpected, especially considering the positive Metacritic score that game pulled in. It sits at an 83 Metascore and its User Score comes in at a 7.9. Still, fans aren't completely sold on it. There is a Reddit thread that calls out the game for being a good pirate experience, but a less-than-stellar Assassin's Creed game. An article posted by Ketul Majmudar via Medium lamented Black Flag's lack of character motivation and weak in-game relationships with allies.


As for the other Assassin's Creed titles that appeared on SVG's survey, Assassin's Creed Unity came in at second place with 19.26% of the vote. Seeing as how broken and glitchy that game was at launch, it's easy to see why fans want that series entry completely deleted.

Origins ended up earning 17.31%, while Odyssey brought in 14.40%. The recently released Assassin's Creed Valhalla surprisingly made the list with 13.92% of the total vote. The "Other" category (13.75%) mentioned Assassin's Creed 3, which hasn't been too warmly received by most fans.

