The Real Reason Elden Ring Is Trending After The State Of Play

On the evening of Feb. 25, Sony aired its latest State of Play broadcast, and fans tuned in to get the scoop on upcoming PlayStation 5 games. While there were some exciting updates, including a new gameplay trailer for Deathloop and a better look at Knockout City's different modes, there were a few letdowns. One of the biggest upsets of the night was the lack of information regarding FromSoftware's long-gestating Elden Ring. The resulting disappointment actually led to Elden Ring trending on Twitter. 


First announced during the 2019 E3 conference, Elden Ring is a fantasy action game from the makers of Dark Souls and Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin. Unfortunately, fans have not received much in the way of updates since that initial tease. At this point, fans aren't even sure that the game will be released in 2021. A recent update to Elden Ring's website seemed to hint that news was forthcoming, and a Sony State of Play seemed like a natural place for a new announcement. However, that hope proved to be fruitless, and gamers are less than enthused.

On Twitter, fans have sounded off with their disappointment, with some hilarious results. One person tweeted a photo of a clown at a computer, sarcastically remarking how excited they were for Elden Ring footage during the broadcast. Another frustrated gamer posted a gif of Devil May Cry's Nero pounding his fist in the floor as a reaction to the State of Play. Even a few gaming news sites got in on the action, with GameSpot tweeting an image that showed the valkyrie from Elden Ring's E3 trailer hiding on the surface of Mars.


At this point, some people are starting to believe that the game will never actually be released. One user tweeted, "Elden [R]ing never coming out. I wasn't even expecting any news for it." Several Twitter users echoed similar sentiments, with one person writing, "Elden Ring is a hoax. We imagined it together." Meanwhile, industry analyst and insider Daniel Ahmad tweeted a poll asking his followers if they believed the game was even real

Back in November, Xbox head Phil Spencer mentioned that he'd been able to play "quite a bit" of Elden Ring, and he was impressed by the title. Although Spencer's comments would suggest that development on the title is progressing smoothly, the reactions to the Feb. 25 State of Play have made fans' feelings pretty clear. Many of the people who have been waiting for Elden Ring are getting impatient, while others have given up on the title entirely.

