The Main Character In Forspoken Is Gorgeous In Real Life

Forspoken, is one of Square Enix's hotly anticipated titles. Originally announced as Project Athia, the game is expected to launch for PC and PS5 sometimes next year. While there are still plenty of unknowns regarding the game, it has been revealed that actress Ella Balinska is portraying the main character of Frey Holland, as shown in an official announcement trailer released on March 30.


In person, Balinska is very beautiful. This is partially reflected in-game, though of course, it is hard to accurately represent the physical appearance of actors in real-life, no matter now advanced facial and motion capture has become. Nevertheless, the announcement trailer for Forspoken has managed to capture Balinska's real-life appearance in astonishing detail. 

Born in England on October 4, 1996, Balinska has made numerous cinematic appearances. She has acted in several shorts, including Hunted, Room, and Clover. Further, she appeared in the television series The Athena, described on IMDb as being about "a former model [who] starts school after an impulse declaration in an interview ends her modelling [sic] career."


Balinska also has prominent roles in the 2019 remake of Charlie's Angels and 2020's Run Sweetheart Run. While Charlie's Angels bombed with critics and audiences, Run Sweetheart Run garnered a 73% on Rotten Tomatoes. In other words, Balinska brings a good bit of screen experience to the table. 

According to the Forspoken trailer's YouTube listing, Frey is "an ordinary young woman who must harness her magical abilities to survive in the fantastical yet dangerous world land of Athia." 

Balinska described her experience working on Forspoken, saying that the game was the first time she has done performance capture. She said, "I am loving every single second of it." Moreover, she stated that Frey "is a character I immediately connected with when this project was first brought to me. She's real, she's raw. She's a girl who both figuratively and literally has lost her way and she's fighting for survival as she discovers where she fits in the world."

In addition to Balinska's commentary, the trailer released March 30 showed a bit of Forspoken's gameplay, including a tense sequence where Frey is being chased by some kind of bear-like creature. The game places a heavy emphasis on magic-based combat and fast movement around the open world of Athia. Forspoken releases on PS5 and PC in 2022.


