Apex Legends Players Are Getting Banned For No Reason

Having a bad game is one thing, but what about logging on just to find out that you can't even play? That sounds even rarer than some discontinued "Apex Legends" skins, but it's exactly what's happening for some of the battle royale game's loyal players. Player accounts are being banned out of the blue after a recent "Apex Legends" update.


On May 11, a new update for "Apex Legends" shipped out in two separate patches. However, at one point during the night, one of the updates caused players to get banned for no reason, and some players were even kicked from games because of the faulty bans. Players took to Twitter to ask for assistance from the official EA Help account. 

At the beginning of the ban fiasco, EA Help tweeted that "a lot of players have received the ban message today and our 'Apex' team is currently investigating this." After a few hours, it looked like EA had the answer; the company started telling players to exit the game and log in again. However, muddled communication had players unsure of what was going on and how to fix the actual problem.


EA's response

The EA Help Twitter account worked to contact players that reached out online, but there seemed to be an overall lack of communication going on. While some agents for the support account were telling people that the issue was fixed, others were telling players to try appealing the ban.


Eventually, as EA realized the root of the problem, the agents on EA Help told players that it was a login issue and that it had been resolved. However, for many players, logging into the game wasn't the problem — they were still banned — and some fans felt that calling the problem a simple login issue was just as confusing as the faulty bans.

While the problem (whatever it was) got resolved, EA's response to the debacle left several players unhappy. For those that were in the middle of a game when they were ejected, AFK warnings and penalties were triggered. Additionally, players in the middle of ranked games lost competitive points, which is much more frustrating than a simple AFK penalty. 


Hopefully this glitch won't recur, and players can look forward to the other things that "Apex Legends" has to offer, including the new Marksmen class that was recently discovered by accident.

