If This GTA 6 Leak Is True, Fans Are Going To Throw A Fit

"Grand Theft Auto 5" is nearing the decade mark, yet there's still no official word on when its follow-up will be out. At this point, it's safe to assume "GTA 6" won't release in 2021, but will it come out in 2022 or 2023? If you think it's already been too long, you won't be happy about the latest rumor to float on by.


A video recently dropped on YouTube from leaker Tom Henderson, discussing what the "GTA 6" timeline might look like. While he mentioned that he'd previously anticipated a 2023-2024 release, he called such a launch window "a little premature." From his estimation, gamers likely won't see the next "GTA" until 2024 or 2025.

On top of adjusting his launch date prediction, he told viewers that the game will probably "be a modern 'GTA' title," as opposed to his previous belief that it would take place in the '80s. He also shared some more positive rumors, such as the possibility of Vice City showing up in the next "GTA" and that the game's map will be constantly expanding and transforming with each new DLC update. According to the information the leaker has gathered, gamers will also finally be able to play as a female character in the upcoming title's story mode. 


All of these details are promising, but will these features make up for the long wait?

These leaks may be more legit than others

Understandably, "Grand Theft Auto" fans are not pleased with the prospect of having to wait another three to four years for "GTA 6." One user in the video's comments wrote, "Just remember that GTA IV and V were only 5 years apart from eachother [sic] and it's taking Rockstar a full decade to even tell us some news that might not be true about signs of GTA VI." A couple of comments poked fun at the idea of taking this information "with a grain of salt," while others talked about how old they were when "GTA 5" came out versus how old they'll be when "GTA 6" launches.


Back in May, "GTA 6" was trending on Twitter because many fans were giving up hope on a new title after learning how long it was taking to finish next-gen "GTA 5." 

While it feels like the wait has been long enough already, fans should be prepared to wait even longer. At the very least, recent comments from Bloomberg's Jason Schreier may bolster fans' confidence in the legitimacy of the latest leaks. On Twitter, Schreier explained, "Everything Tom Henderson has said about the game matches up with what I've heard." Schreier reiterated that the game was still "early in development" and agreed with the assertion that it will have some kind of "evolving/expanding map."

It's been a roller coaster for "GTA" fans, and it doesn't look like that ride will be easing up anytime soon.


