Here's How The Dead Space Remake Will Improve On The Original

"Dead Space" fans are in for a treat. The original is widely known as one of the greatest horror games of all time, and fans have been excited to learn that a remake is on its way. Not only will the "Dead Space" remake be trashing the controversial microtransactions from "Dead Space 3," but the developers on the project have now revealed even more great news.


IGN spoke about the upcoming remake with Senior Producer Philippe Ducharme and Creative Director Roman Campos-Oriola, the Creative Director. The conversation revealed a lot of information about how the remake really plans to make the game better than ever before.

For starters, this is not just going to be a facelift for the original; the game is being remade from the ground up. Campos-Oriola explained that the team isn't just "porting" the game's assets or "adding more polygons to the model." Instead, they're "rebuilding" everything from scratch and "shooting all the animations" for the new version.

The team wants to make the game as immersive as possible, even saying that there won't be any loading screens or camera cuts. They claim that it will be playable "from the start screen to the end credits seamlessly," without having to pause while the game loads in new data or environments. Given that "Dead Space" is a horror game and the team wants to build tension, it made sense to create a game that can be played in "one sit-down" as Campos-Oriola described it.


That's not the only change that the team plans to make, either.

Dead Space will focus on accessibility and extra content

One thing that has come to light since "Dead Space" was originally released is the need for better accessibility. Developers have been looking at how they can design the remake to be more accessible to all audiences. There weren't any specific changes mentioned, but Ducharme and Campos-Oriola did make it clear that it's something the team is focusing on.


There was also talk about the potential for new content in the game. According to Campos-Oriola, the original story is "canon" and won't be outright contradicted in the remake, but that "there are some improvements that we want to make to that story." In short, even if you know the original game from top to bottom, you're going to see new things in the remake. One of the things teased in the interview with IGN is the possibility of including some zero-gravity environments, which played a large role in "Dead Space 2."

Not only is the team drawing from the best the series has to offer, but players will have a voice in the process. According to Ducharme, the developers have "reached out to members of the community to create a community council" to make sure that fans' wishes are being heard.


