The Marvel's Avengers Free Weekend Cursed You. Here's How

Getting to try something for free can be quite exciting, right? Unless, of course, it prohibits you from enjoying that thing beyond the trial period. 

In July, Square Enix announced that it was rolling out a "Marvel's Avengers All-Access Weekend" that would take place the last weekend of the month. Not only did this offer new players a chance to take the game for a spin, but it also provided some nice perks for existing players, like a boost in XP earnings, a marketplace sale, and free resources. The event actually helped "Marvel's Avengers" see a much-needed spike in concurrent players. Now that it's over, however, some enthusiastic newcomers are unable to purchase the game.


The All-Access Weekend was available for PlayStation, Steam, and Stadia users, but there was a bit of a hiccup that prevented Sony fans from picking up "Marvel's Avengers" after the event. According to the game's official Twitter account, the team has begun "investigating an issue that's preventing some players who participated in [the] All-Access Weekend from buying the game on PSN." 

It's quite an unfortunate glitch, considering how successful the free trial was otherwise. As one user on Twitter excitedly urged, "You guys better fix the issue because it looks like there's a lot of people willing to pay now!" But are Crystal Dynamics or Square Enix really to blame in this case?

Many gamers are placing the blame on PlayStation

Users in the replies on Twitter have been quick to point out that this isn't the first time the PlayStation Network has run into problems with purchases. One gamer on Twitter wrote, "A lot of developers, not just Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics, have been having issues with the PS Store on PS5." Even so, the dev's tweet did not imply that this glitch was exclusive to the next-gen PlayStation console. Another user pointed that free trials can sometimes interfere with purchases on the PlayStation Store and that it "Should be fixed anytime."


"Marvel's Avengers” has had a troubled history, and its playerbase fell off quite a bit less than two months ago. The game could use all the help it can get at this point, and the boost in numbers over the free trial weekend only highlights its potential. Not only that, but fans have the new Black Panther expansion coming to "Marvel's Avengers" on August 17. With the "War for Wakanda" DLC right around the corner, the team will definitely want to fix whatever's causing the interference as soon as possible to capitalize on the momentum that built up over the All-Access Weekend. 

