We Finally Know Why People Are Getting Banned On Twitch

It appears that even more information has surfaced from the Twitch hack that put accounts in danger, which happened last week. This time, the new information discusses what will and will not get someone banned from Twitch. The hack resulted in 125 GB of data getting dumped on the internet and the information everyone focused on was how much the top streamers are getting paid by Twitch, but now more details have entered into the limelight.


As reported by Dexerto, someone posted an alleged Twitch "strike guide" on Reddit over the weekend, providing details and examples for what qualifies as a bannable offense. Moderators removed the guide, but Dexerto reviewed the documents prior to their removal, finding more than 30 topics in the guide, with recommendations of what type of action should be taken and how quickly it should be taken.

While Dexerto did not provide any specific examples of rules, it did report that the documents include guidance on intentional and unintentional nudity, targeted harassment, and hateful slurs. It has yet to be confirmed if these documents are real, however, it seems likely based on how much of Twitch's information was leaked previously. Understandably, Twitch users had some thoughts on the guidelines.


Fans react to alleged Twitch "strike guide"

While the alleged Twitch "strike guide" was removed from Reddit, a few users were able to read the guide prior to its removal and they had some thoughts. A few of them found Twitch's guidelines around what is and is not sexual content to be confusing. Shocking no one, the guide specified that male nipples are not sexual but female nipples are sexual. Some commenters felt that the decision didn't consider nonbinary and transgender individuals. "If I'm gender fluid how do they know whether my nipples are allowed or not? It's so ridiculously arbitrary," one user wrote.


Another user pointed out in the allowed section "hate groups positive/charity work" was listed. While it's unclear exactly what that means, the users interpreted that it would allow streamers to raise money for hate groups, as long as there was an additional element of charity. "Donate to the NAZI Food Bank, 10% of all donations go towards feeding the needy, 90% go towards being f****** NAZIs. Twitch: Works for me," TomboBreaker wrote.

Regardless of the public response to this guide, nothing Twitch has not commented on its contents, so it's important to remember that its contents should be taken with a grain of salt. First, it's unclear how recently this guide was made and if it is still used to determine bans. Second, the guide could always be fake, submitted after the Twitch leak to seem more legitimate. Until Twitch releases a statement or streamers comment with their own experiences, it's difficult to say for sure. 


