How Ramen Made The Legend Of Zelda Sell For $4,000

These days, it's seldom surprising news to hear a mint copy of an old game was auctioned off for some absurd amount of money, but in one case, it's for a copy of a game that's rare because of instant noodles. A copy of the original "The Legend of Zelda" for the Famicom Disk System recently sold for $4000, and it was all because the game featured a sticker for a popular Japanese ramen brand (per Kotaku).


While $4000 isn't the most money fans have seen retro titles go for — especially considering the copy of "The Legend of Zelda" that sold for a record price in August — it's a hefty fee for a game that holds no discernable difference from its un-stickered counterparts. In fact, the video game history and preservation hub, Gaming Alexandria, documented its investigation into the specially branded title last year. The outlet found that the "ramen version" and the standard Japanese retail version of "The Legend of Zelda" were identical, even on a code level. It's certainly not the rarest version of "The Legend of Zelda," but some are still paying a premium.

Standard versions of "The Legend of Zelda" and its ramen counterpart are the same aside from a sticker, yet collectors still have their sights set on this oddity. Here's how a ramen brand made a copy of "The Legend of Zelda" sell for $4000 and why fans are willing to pay that price.


Why Do Fans Want The Ramen Zelda Game?

The allure of the ramen-branded copy of "The Legend of Zelda" is a two-headed beast. First and foremost, it's a rare, limited version of the title, with only 1,500 copies said to have existed. Partnering with ramen brand Myojo Charumera, Nintendo awarded 1,500 fans a copy of the Charumera-branded game and a console to play it on. After 35 years, there aren't that many copies of the limited prize still floating around — and even fewer in a good enough condition to tempt collectors.


The other reason fans and collectors have grown to covet this particular version of the game is partly why Gaming Alexandria did its investigation. Despite being in some players' hands for over 35 years, there's still not much known about the Charumera "Legend of Zelda" copies. Rumors had even grown over the years that there were differences between the two versions of the title. Of course, prospective buyers now know that's not the case, but the mystery and intrigue surely put the title back on fans' radars.

With this latest sale for $4,000, it might not be too long before additional copies of the Charumera "Legend of Zelda" make it to market. If anything, it's a strong sign that gamers are still collecting in force. Who knows, maybe that old giveaway game in the garage is worth more than your car.


