Nintendo Does What We All Suspected With The Unhinged Pokemon Game

Nintendo's not known for its love of creativity when it comes to its games — the company's shady side  always comes out in full force whenever emulations exist or people develop side projects for fun, including the unhinged "Pokemon" FPS that one Reddit developer was creating. Now that the project gained popularity across the internet, Nintendo is on a manhunt to take everything down.


Last week, the "Pokemon" shooter game made waves across the internet as people started discovering it. The indie game confused some parts of the internet, as some people were impressed with the quality but also understandably disturbed by the content, which included gunning down Pokemon.

Now, the content has been swiped from the internet after Nintendo submitted copyright claims everywhere possible. The YouTube updates on the game have been taken down, and the tweets from developer Dragon all have missing media with the message "This media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner."

 Dragon hasn't said much about the situation, but he did address the fact that something was going on to his Twitter community. Fans had plenty to say in response as well. 


The community's reaction

People were just as split on Nintendo's decision as they were about the "Pokemon" FPS in general. Some expected it from the gaming giant, both because it's something that's arguably illegal and because of Nintendo's past behavior with fan-made projects. Others weren't so understanding of Nintendo's standpoint, arguing that it's not actually something Nintendo can legally do.


Kotaku's Luke Plunkett argued that Nintendo went too far because it's just a fan-made project that isn't commercialized, but not every outlet agreed. Eurogamer's Tom Phillips said that Nintendo's actions were justified since "Pokemon" is a pretty family-friendly game. The possibility that parents or children could see gameplay of bloody Pokemon was too much for Nintendo to allow.

Others were still hopeful that the project could be completed and put out online under the radar or that it could be made just different enough to not be associated with Pokemon (potentially with new models for the Pokemon.)

While more information comes out from Dragon about the fate of the fan-made game, "Pokemon" fans can look forward to the release of "Pokemon Legends: Arceus" on January 28. There's also the Steam game "Palworld," a "Pokemon" clone that's more violent than even "Monster Hunter," coming out later this year for the fans that want something a bit more combat-filled.


