The Real Reason Jessica Blevins Is Resigning As Ninja's Manager

Jessica Blevins gave herself a big job by stepping up as Tyler "Ninja" Blevins' manager and wife. The pair have certainly made their relationship work, tackling business decisions together while also navigating marriage. Both Ninja and Blevins have been the subject of fan scrutiny recently, as Blevins recently threatened fellow streamer Pokimane with legal action after the latter accused Ninja of helping out in a hate raid against her. Now, Blevins is in the news again for an entirely different reason: her future career plans.


In an interview with Sportify It, Blevins explained that while she's proud of her work with Ninja, she's also looking to set out on her own and focus on personal projects in the future. In order to do that, though, Blevins has to step down as Ninja's manager. Blevins told Sportify It that she wasn't entirely sure when she'd resign, but that she and Ninja were "realizing that there will come a time, and it may come sooner rather than later, that I won't be his manager anymore."

Blevins explained that she'd been preparing to step down by "growing [her brand]" alongside Ninja's. "I have a PR team. I signed with CAA. Before I was focusing on Tyler, so now I'm focusing on my brand simultaneously," she said. While it's not difficult to guess what Blevins might do after letting someone else take over the role of Ninja's manager, her sudden comments to Sportify It left fans wondering what she might be planning next.


What's next for Blevins?

Blevins already works with a variety of companies to endorse products on her various social media platforms, and it's possible that she might pivot to her own streaming career after departing as Ninja's manager. After all, she's got experience in the streaming world and even has her own Twitch channel, which has over 450,000 followers. Pair that with over 475,000 Twitter followers and 1 million Instagram followers, and Blevins has a powerful online presence she can use to market items.


The truth is that Blevins has already dominated a niche corner of gaming marketing because of her interest in both the beauty industry and gaming. In a recent promotional post, Blevins tweeted a selfie of her holding an Xbox controller and showing off her perfect manicure. The picture was meant to advertise OPI's new line of polish colors based on gaming, which it made in collaboration with Xbox. In her post, Blevins highlighted both the beautiful polish and its potential to inspire women. The first shade, "Suzi Is My Avatar," was named after the founder of OPI, who Blevins called "a female empowering role model."

Though Blevins didn't specifically comment on what she plans to do after she resigns as Ninja's manager, her recent promotional tweets show that she's more than capable of making her own money in the gaming world. Additionally, Blevins didn't say when she'd be making the transition, only that it would be sooner rather than later. Regardless of how and when Blevins resigns, fans didn't let the news pass silently. In fact, many had scathing words for Blevins as she announced her desire to transition out of a managerial role.


What do fans think of this change?

Unfortunately, many fans aren't willing to let Blevins proverbially ride off into the sunset and retire as Ninja's manager just yet. On Twitter, many readers thought it was odd that Blevins referred to herself in the third person when sharing her interview with Sportify It. One commenter wrote that Blevins needed an "ego check" after using the third persona and commenting that she's empathetic. Additionally, Blevins stated in the interview that she helped build Ninja's career, which some fans took issue with.


Another reader commented that Blevins' announcement seems like "interesting timing," considering her recent feud with Pokimane. One Twitter user even jokingly said that Blevins could be resigning in order to devote more time to her beef with Poki. Some comments also suspected that Blevins might have paid to have the piece written about her as a distraction from the press she's received recently. Other commenters simply popped in to say that they don't care what Blevins does with her life, and that she didn't need to announce this move at all.

More than one Twitter user wondered if Sportify It's headline could mean that trouble is brewing between Ninja and Blevins in their personal and professional relationships. Fans will have to wait in order to see if Blevins really does resign as Ninja's manager, and what she chooses to do with her career if she does make a professional change. For now, there's still plenty to speculate about.


