Dr Disrespect Has A Surprising Update On His Feud With Twitch

It's been nearly two years since Dr Disrespect was unexpectedly banned from Twitch. To date, the reason behind Doc's ban remains shrouded in mystery, as no reason for his termination has been disclosed by Twitch. Even the Doc himself has expressed that he is unaware of why he was permanently ousted from the platform, a fact that caused him a great deal of frustration and anxiety. And though there are probably some Twitch rules that could explain why he was banned, this full-disclosure policy did not exist at the time of Doc's ban from the platform in June 2020. 


Plus, bans are nothing new on Twitch and aren't often permanent. Many major Twitch streamers have been banned or given lengthy suspensions for violating Twitch's terms of service, only to come back at a later date — especially when those bans turn out to be for bogus reasons. However, Doc never returned, and instead went over to YouTube and its competing streaming platform. At this point, it seems as though fans will never know the exact reasons for the Doc's ban.

In the two years since Doc's banning, the Two Time has taken legal action against Twitch, with the reasoning being that his ban resulted in damage to his reputation that has prevented him from landing lucrative opportunities with sponsors and brands. Now, Dr Disrespect has given fans a quite surprising update regarding his ongoing feud with Twitch.


Dr Disrespect says his legal dispute with Twitch has been resolved

On March 10, Dr Disrespect posted an image of a card to Twitter to alert his followers that his thoughts of legal action against Twitch have officially come to an end. In fact, it appears as though Dr Disrespect is finally ready to let bygones be bygones.


On the card is a statement that reads, "I have resolved my legal dispute with Twitch. No party admits to any wrongdoing." The card features an image of Dr Disrepect's logo as well as his signature at the bottom. Doc would clarify in a follow-up tweet that even though his crusade has come to an end, it doesn't mean that everything will be going back to normal. Dr Disrespect explained, "In response to all your questions, the Doc will not return to Twitch." No details regarding a settlement or other resolution have been disclosed, making it seem as though Doc and Twitch simply talked things out behind the scenes. 

Since moving over YouTube full-time, Dr Disrepect has carved out quite the audience, with his channel racking up close to 4 million subscribers on the platform and garnering over 250 million views. Even though many will be sad that his days on Twitch are officially over — and fans will probably never know the extent of the battle with Twitch that they didn't get to see — it's likely that the Two Time will continue to enjoy success on YouTube for the foreseeable future.


In the meantime, a number of Dr Disrespect's best streaming buds have chimed in to celebrate the end of this feud.

NickMercs, TimTheTatman, and more respond to Dr Disrespect's announcement

Almost immediately after Doc posted his update to Twitter, Twitch star NickMercs responded by asking the streamer if he wanted to hop on a game of "Apex Legends" together. At this point, it's unclear whether or not Dr Disrespect is allowed to appear in Twitch streams again. Since Twitch's policies forbid banned streamers from appearing on the platform, there's a possibility that a resolution of this dispute could allow Doc to at least guest on streams with his buddies who are signed to Twitch. 


At the very least, that's what TimTheTatman is hoping for, as he weighed in on the news during a YouTube stream (clipped by Dexerto). As Tim explained, he's excited for his friend, but he's not sure what this means for Dr Disrespect's future. "I think it's good news right? It's really vague," he said to his excited chat. "I don't know ... I'll tell you what, man, nothing would make me happier if me, NickMercs, and Doc can all play together."

Several other Twitch partners have commented in the thread below Doc's announcement to find out if this means he can now play with them, including HusKerrs and BobbyPoff. However, not everyone was fully satisfied with the update from Doc, simply because there are so many questions left unanswered. As pointed out by streamer MikeyPerk, "One of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the streaming world is still a mystery."


Unfortunately for fans who are looking for answers as to why Dr Disrespect was banned, it's looking more likely than ever that neither party involved will tell the full story. Even so, fans who have been concerned about Doc since his initial ban can likely take comfort in the fact that he's finally ready to move on.

