The Metal Gear Series' Biggest Mission Is Actually Impossible

"Metal Gear Solid 5" was hailed as a masterpiece upon release. However, even those that loved the game couldn't shake the feeling that it was incomplete. Soon after its release, these suspicions were satisfied when fans discovered that Konami cut a considerable amount of content due to time restraints and its break from legendary game director Hideo Kojima, the creator of "Metal Gear." Gamers were unsurprisingly curious about what didn't make it into the final game, with skilled data miners searching for content left in the game's code. 


Notably, data miners came across footage of a secret "Nuclear Peace Ending." The cutscene was theorized to play at the completion of The Secret Nuclear Disarmament Event. This event set up by Konami called for the dismantling of every nuke on a platform's server. Additionally, many believed that the datamined "Chapter 3" would become accessible after completing the event. Konami even hinted that this was the case with multiple Tweets.

But gamers soon found out that disarming every nuke is no small task. In the online mode of "Metal Gear Solid 5," players could build up their private armies by crafting weapons and devices, with the most powerful item being a nuke. However, with the sheer number of players online expanding their bases, attempts to disarm every nuke were fruitless. It seemed that a small group of dedicated gamers were finally able to complete the goal of disarming every nuke in 2020. Unfortunately, according to recent reports, the victory was illegitimate. It seems the task is technically impossible to complete due to a mistake by Konami.


The Nuke count cant hit zero legitimately

According to a recent Did You Know Gaming video titled "Is Konami Hiding Metal Gear's Final Chapter?", at the start of the pandemic in 2020, one player decided to form a group and take a crack at the event. The group targeted the PS3's multiplayer, as it had the lowest population of players. Things were going well for the team, but the players soon discovered it was impossible to remove every nuke from the game despite their collective efforts. The group's leader explained, "We ran into what can only be defined as an invincible set of nukes that do not belong to any base. " And after contacting Konami and getting no response, the group was forced to resort to cheating.


In secret, the team employed a program titled "The Nuke Hunter Deluxe," a bot that would automatically eliminate nukes in players' bases even if they were invisible. The bot was a success, the nuke count on PS3 reached zero, and gamers everywhere praised the team for their hard work. However, just three months later, Konami banned the hackers involved and issued a statement explaining that the completion was illegitimate. So now it appears complete nuclear disarmament will never be achieved in "Metal Gear Solid 5" — but maybe that's the point. In February of this year, Kojima replied to a tweet about nuclear disarmament in the game and said, "This was a social experiment" (per Google Translate). Maybe this was all Kojima's trolling gamers by mirroring real life with complete nuclear disarmament being impossible. 


