What The Critics Are Saying About Evil Dead: The Game

"Evil Dead" is one of the most beloved franchises of all time. Although the original trilogy debuted way back in 1981, thanks to its cult following, multiple remakes, and a television series in 2015, the "Evil Dead" series has remained a staple in horror pop culture. Because of this, hardcore fans were wary about seeing their favorite shotgun-wielding demon slayer, Ash Williams, in a new video game. They had good reason, as this isn't the first time "Evil Dead" was adapted to video games. Previous "Evil Dead" games received mixed reviews and never met the success of the films and television series, leading to the video game series being discontinued in 2005.


But, that all changed with the announcement of "Evil Dead: The Game." However, this new title is much different from previous "Evil Dead" games. "Evil Dead: The Game" features gameplay similar to "Dead by Daylight" and the "Left 4 Dead" Versus mode. Survivors are tasked with blasting through missions while an opposing demon does all it can to thwart the humans' progress. Additionally, each character has a skill tree where players can grab permanent upgrades to increase their odds of survival after each match. The game also has solo story missions that retell some of the most iconic events in the series

Of course, there was pushback from fans right out of the gate. Some were disappointed that the game was an Epic Games exclusive, while others didn't like that the game would be multiplayer-focused. Now that the reviews are rolling in, it looks like the haters were wrong.


It's rich with content

RealSport gave "Evil Dead: The Game" 4.5 stars out of 5. Critic Niall Walsh didn't hold back his praise, calling the game a pleasant surprise because of its deep, repayable experience. Walsh believed that the game would captivate those new to the series while giving long-time fans a wealth of content to feast on. Additionally, Walsh points out that the game isn't even full-priced but still holds that level of quality.


ButWhyTho? awarded "Evil Dead: The Game" with an 8/10. Kate Sánchez says it manages to "capture the horror, humor, and surprises that Deadites have come to know and love" while praising the gameplay for just how fun it is. However, Sánchez noted that the game's complexity could throw off some players looking for more casual play and that the offline AI companions are just plain stupid.

Chithot's Kevin Joyce also found "Evil Dead: The Game" an impressive, asymmetrical multiplayer horror game that stands tall next to games like "Dead by Daylight." Joyce pointed out that the game is a blast to play with friends and adds a ton of unique features that will keep players coming back for more.

Multiplayer isn't perfect

Flickering Myth gave "Evil Dead: The Game" a 7 out of 10, citing the game's tone, art style, and voice acting as top-notch. But, critic Shaun Munro quickly pointed out some quirks they encountered in multiplayer that prevented the title from receiving a perfect score. Munro criticized the game's combat for lacking polish, drawing attention to awkward controls, clunky melee combat, and floaty shooting. Additionally, they felt the UI needs work, and the game lacks quality-of-life features such as a FOV slider and an option to add player names above characters' heads.


Dextero's Ava Thompson-Powell awarded "Evil Dead: The Game" with an 8/10, praising it as a faithful adaptation jam-packed with enjoyable content. However, Thompson-Powell said she was frustrated when she found out that the game forces players to partake in online multiplayer to gain XP for their character. She argued that this multiplayer focus would undoubtedly turn many off to the game. Thompson-Powel also criticized the game's technical aspects. She noted a lack of accessibility options such as detailed graphics and control options, which have become a standard in PC games in recent years.

