Skull & Bones: How To Sign Up For The Beta

Ubisoft's "Skull and Bones" is a game that many have forgotten about. What was once planned as an "Assassin's Creed 4" DLC pack eventually morphed into a much larger standalone project. Unfortunately, large ambitions combined with a slew of development issues slowed the game's development down to a point where it seemed dead in the water. But, now, almost a decade after it began development, "Skull and Bones" is finally on the horizon with a November 8 release date.


Accompanying the recent "Skull and Bones" release date trailer was information on a few ways gamers can get their hands on "Skull and Bones" early. Currently, there are two ways to get involved with the early testing of "Skull and Bones." One is participating in the upcoming live tests to stress test the game's servers. The second way to get ahold of "Skull and Bones" early is much more exclusive, however, and requires the player to get selected to participate in a small testing group. Below is how to sign up for both early access "Skull and Bones" programs.

Two ways to play

Registering for the "Skull and Bones" upcoming live tests is straightforward. First, players must head over to the "Skull and Bones" Live Tests page. At the bottom of the page, players must then choose the platform they wish to perform the testing on and sign in with their respective accounts. Once complete, users will get a message confirming their registration accompanied by an email from Ubisoft thanking the player for signing up. Currently, there is no information on when the testing will start, but anyone who signs up will get notified of the upcoming dates when they are revealed.


Players can also sign up for the "Skull and Bones" Insider Program via its designated registration page. Currently, only PC players can join this program, but Ubisoft mentioned that it might expand the initiative at some point. As noted on the signup page, Ubisoft is recruiting a small group of carefully selected players, so not everyone will get in. The purpose of this group also differs from the live test group and requires gamers to sign NDA before joining.

The Insider Program allows Ubisoft to work closely with players to monitor their sessions in "Skull and Bones" and get feedback on what they enjoy. Additionally, Insider Program members will be encouraged to report any bugs they find along the way. Of course, anyone not lucky enough to get into the "Skull and Bones" Insider Program can always wait to captain a ship when the game launches on November 8.


