Johnny Depp's Video Game Commercial Has Twitter Divided

Johnny Depp's defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard is finally over and he can presumably get back to acting. Who'd have thought that one of his first appearances on screen would be to promote a video game?


Depp recently starred in a short film to advertise the new mobile MMORPG "Sea of Dawn." Developed by Chinese studio Changyou, the game allows players to explore an open world as adventurers and pirates, finding treasure, sailing the high seas, and battling one another. For the trailer, Depp plays an old, retired adventurer. Now blind, the grizzled sailor stays at home among his trinkets and treasures until he's paid a visit by a bill collector. Depp's character spends the entire video misdirecting and conning the man, played by Francisco Rodriguez, until he can get him out of his home without a dime.

Depp, who's almost unrecognizable under a beard and heavy makeup and affecting an Irish accent plays a character reminiscent of his most famous role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. Eccentric, energetic, and possibly mad, the character almost seems like what you might expect Sparrow to be as an old man. Depp brings him to life as only he can and apparently enjoyed the role immensely.


Depp had a great time coming up with the backstory and personality for this character and exploring the beautifully designed set. Speaking in a behind the scenes feature, he explained that it was fun to create a character with the "proper chutzpah to do things [he] would never do." Still, Twitter is divided on his appearance.

Reaction is split but mostly positive

Some Depp fans were thrilled to see his return and loved his performance. There was plenty of support for him as a person as well as an actor and more than a few people referenced the recent trial and celebrated what is seen as a victory for Depp. Others, however, saw Depp's appearance as in poor taste and voiced their opposition to the actor.


Among critics were those who adopted the position that Depp was the guilty party in the conflict with Heard and that the trial represented an attack on women. Others specifically spoke in support of Heard, stating that they believed her side of the story.

While opinion is currently divided, it does seem to lean towards the positive side. With fan support, word that he'll soon be returning to films, and the door open for a return to "Pirates of the Caribbean," things are looking up for Depp at the moment.

