Sony's Bloodborne Joke Tweet Backfired Almost Immediately

With the move to the latest wave of consoles well underway, there are plenty of video game remakes in the works, including retreads of horror favorites like "Resident Evil 4" and "Silent Hill 2." But there's another creepy classic fans want to see make the jump to more advanced consoles. After all, wouldn't it be fun to see a Winter Lantern dancing toward you at 60fps?


Yes, fans are clamoring for a "Bloodborne" remake – or heck, even a port – yet again, taking to the internet to share their disappointment that the project hasn't been announced yet. Even worse, this time the wave of "Bloodborne" talk wasn't triggered by jealousy over other greenlit projects. Instead, Sony itself started the discussion by posting a mysterious tweet that was deleted almost as quickly as it appeared.

On Oct. 20, Sony's official account tweeted out a blurry close-up of a game cover, asking fans, "Can you see it? Which PlayStation game cover are we zooming in on?" Of course, the image was zoomed in on the corner of a hunter's hat from "Bloodborne," and fans immediately recognized it as such. Gamers began voicing their excitement, suggesting that the feature on Sony's page must mean that a remaster announcement was no the way. However, less than an hour after it was posted, the tweet was deleted.


Gamers lost hope, chalking up the tweet to a mistake or an intentional gag on Sony's part. But they quickly channeled that frustration online with memes, comics, and thoughtful responses. Here's how Sony's joke backfired almost immediately.

Why no remaster?

Some gamers shared memes, sure, but they also had thoughtful responses to Sony's tweet. One fan posted a comic of the game's Father Gascoigne looking at the "Bloodborne" news on a computer, then transforming into a beast out of madness. Accompanying the comic was the caption: "Me when Sony randomly tweets about Bloodborne and then deletes the tweet 30 minutes later despite it being the only last gen exclusive not to get an update of some kind." It's true that many Sony exclusives – like "God of War" and "The Last of Us" – have all received some sort of update (if not an outright remake) for the PS5, or at least a PC port that allows gamers to customize their setups.


Another gamer suspected that a "Bloodborne" port to PC would never happen, writing, "It was developed, in part, by Sony's in-house dev team, Japan Studio. Which is now defunct. This isn't a timed exclusive deal, or a case of Sony purchasing/owning the developer." In other words, "Bloodborne" could be tied up in a complex legal issue, where Japan Studio owns part of the rights to the game, but technically doesn't exist anymore. While it's unclear where, exactly, "Bloodborne" stands in legal limbo, it's just another reason why fans think they won't be getting a remaster or remake anytime soon.

Other gamers responded to the tweet the only way they could, by saying that they should play "Bloodborne" yet again. However, for many gamers, playing "Bloodborne" isn't so easy. While PS5 players can run a suboptimal version of the game via the PSN, the PS4 exclusive was never perfect, and many fans wonder what it would be like to see an upgraded "Bloodborne" on the PS5 – or, better yet, the PC. 


Does Sony hate Bloodborne?

However, there might be a bigger issue at work in the case of "Bloodborne." Some gamers speculated that Sony hates "Bloodborne," casting it aside in favor of games that people want less fervently. Fans responded by telling Sony en masse not to get their hopes up. So many gamers responded to the deleted tweet, pouncing on Sony for the mere mention of the game, that the topic began trending on Twitter. One fan sarcastically tweeted, "Shout out to Sony for getting all the Bloodborne fans hopes up then deleting the tweet." 


Others still held out hope for "Bloodborne" news, with one fan tweeting that, with the Game Awards in December, news of new "Bloodborne" content might be on the way sooner than we think. However, there's nothing substantial to back up this claim, and it's a stark example of how hopeful the "Bloodborne" community continues to be.

There's truly something special about "Bloodborne," even in comparison to other FromSoftware projects like "Elden Ring" and "Dark Souls." While gamers may never get a remake of "Bloodborne," the game lives on in fan projects, like one demake that caught the internet's attention, or a "Mario Kart"-styled fan project that sees hunters racing through the streets of Yharnam.


