Early Reactions To Bayonetta 3 Are All Saying The Same Thing

After years' worth of hype and anticipation, "Bayonetta 3" is finally slated to arrive on the Nintendo Switch on Oct. 28. It's been eight years since the release of "Bayonetta 2" for the Wii U, and fans are excited to see the next chapter of the titular witch's story and whether or not it can measure the impact that the previous two entries in the "Bayonetta" series have made. Though the lead-up to the game's release hasn't been without controversy — mostly stemming from the change in Bayonetta's voice actress and the subsequent finger-pointing — "Bayonetta 3" remains one of 2022's most anticipated titles.


Can "Bayonetta 3" live up to this hype? And can its developer PlatinumGames shake off the recent failure of "Babylon's Fall" and restore its reputation as one of the best action developers in the video game industry? Early reviews of "Bayonetta 3" have arrived, and they're all saying the same thing. Luckily for fans of the series, it's been mostly good.

Bayonetta 3 is worth the wait

If you're one of the many "Bayonetta" fans that has been waiting eight long years for the series' next entry, it seems that you're in for a treat, as virtually all early reviews of "Bayonetta 3" have been overwhelmingly positive. Writing for Game Informer, Blake Hester heaped praise upon the title. "'Bayonetta 3,' for the vast majority of its runtime, is an absolute blast," Hester said in his review. "It's bombastic, over-the-top, and extravagant for the sake of extravagance, leaving ruins, literally, in its wake." PJ O'Reilly of Nintendo Life gave the game a perfect score, calling the game a massive improvement over its predecessors and one that ranks among the best action games ever made.


The positive reviews don't stop there, either, as Jessica Howard of GameSpot also praised the game for its various gameplay elements and self-assured nature. "Like the titular witch, 'Bayonetta 3 feels' as if it doesn't much care how it is perceived because it knows its own worth as a game that offers fast and fluid gameplay, jaw-dropping spectacles, comedy, and camp in a way very few others do," Howard said.

Overall, a vast majority of the early reviews for "Bayonetta 3" reflect a polished product developed by PlatinumGames. Be it the action, story, or style, "Bayonetta 3" seems to deliver the goods on all fronts.

