What's Left For Ash Ketchum After His Big Champion Win?

Ash Ketchum, the long-time protagonist of the "Pokémon" anime series, seemed to be on his way out earlier in 2022. Even though Ash's voice actor suggested that Ash would continue on in some form or another, and that the show wasn't ending, many fans felt concerned for the future of the long-running franchise. With Ash approaching the end of his journey to be a Pokémon master, what would be next?


Ash reached his dream of becoming world champion in early November 2022, revealing that his journey took less than a year in the world of the show. Even though fans had been following along with the character for decades, Ash's journey was fairly succinct. Even though Ash has finished the main goal of his adventure, some fans are wondering if the "Pokémon" anime will veer off in a new direction, potentially embracing a new main character or plot.

Thankfully, recent comments from the head of the "Pokémon" anime suggest that Ash will continue to appear in the world of "Pokémon." While viewers can't be sure if Ash will be the main character of the upcoming "Pokémon" season, they can at least take comfort in the fact that they'll see their old friend again. Here's what Hiraoka Risuke, the head of TV Tokyo's anime division, had to say about Ash's future.


Ash's future is unclear

"Pokémon" content creator ThePokéRaf translated news from Livedoor News, sharing that Hiraoka Risuke assured fans, "Satoshi's future will continue. We will be revealing information on how this adventure will turn out in future anime broadcasts." Satoshi – or Ash in the English dub of the show – will remain in the series. However, Hiraoka did not confirm that Ash would remain the show's protagonist.


Another "Pokémon" content creator, Dogasu, argued that the statements didn't confirm Ash's involvement in the next season of the anime, and said that fans would have to wait for another announcement to know what Ash's fate would be. Dogasu speculated that Ash's adventures might continue in the form of movies or a new show entirely. Fans will have to wait just a little longer to know for sure, as Dogasu claimed that the company would be making another announcement soon. However, it's unclear when new information might arrive, as Dogasu acknowledged they had a bit of trouble with the translation.

Regardless of what's next for Ash Ketchum, many fans have said that seeing him become the most powerful Pokémon trainer has brought closure to their childhoods, in a way.


