Why Amouranth Thinks Getting Rid Of Her NSFW Content Immediately Is 'Selfish'

Though she doesn't care about her criticism, Twitch streamer Amouranth released a response to criticism regarding her continued creation of NSFW content. She has said the decision to stop immediately would be "selfish." Much of her experience has been tragic, considering she previously accused her husband of forcing her to make the adult content, but now that she employs a team of people for it, she doesn't want to abruptly put an end to their source of income.


Amouranth revealed during a stream in October that she had a husband. Additionally, she claimed that her husband forced her to do adult streams on Twitch. In order to make the content as profitable as possible, he even instructed her to give the impression she was single. The reason he was able to do this, she continued, was because he had control of her financial accounts and threatened to take her money and even kill her dogs.

Two days after that, Amouranth streamed again to say her husband was away seeking help, and she once again had access to her finances. Since then, however, many have taken exception to the fact that she's still doing some adult streams. According to her, there's a staff people that help her pull off those streams, and stopping at once simply wasn't an option.


Amouranth says she's looking out for her staff

Amouranth addressed the criticism in a recent Twitter thread, stating that she employs more than 20 people for her content creation. Because of this, she said, it would be "selfish and irresponsible to do a 180" as soon as she felt she had the freedom to create the content she wants. Since decreasing the amount of NSFW streams she does, she's given those employees a 60-day notice to look for other jobs. At least half of those employees were responsible for the mature content. Some have transitioned to Real Work, a company she started that provides management services to other content creators. Others will be involved in future projects.


Her employees wouldn't be the only ones affected by the change financially, she said. A sudden pivot in content would likely alter her earnings, and she tweeted that her "end goals require substantial passive income" and that she would invest the money she makes from content creation.

Taking this route, according to her, was the "compassionate approach." Amouranth added that of all her employees, only one sought work elsewhere. The rest have chosen to remain with her, in new positions. Aside from that, she went on in her thread, it shouldn't matter if she continues to do hot tub streams. She ended the thread by saying this issue "has always been about personal agency." As anyone would, she simply wants to be in control of her own affairs.


