GoldenEye Studio Reminds Players That The Original Version Wasn't Perfect

There's been no shortage of first-person shooters this millennium, but back in the 90s, these games were rare. FPS games had to adapt to become more relevant, which is exactly what Rare accomplished with "GoldenEye 007." In the nearly 30 years since it came out for the Nintendo 64, the shooter genre exploded, and "GoldenEye 007" is often credited as one of the most impactful games of all time because of its influence on the genre. The high demand for "GoldenEye" remasters hasn't slowed over the years, and now it's available via Nintendo Switch Online and Xbox Games Pass — but perceptive fans noticed something was amiss with this most recent re-release. 


All the important things are there, like the dated, unwieldy control scheme and its split-screen multiplayer — online multiplayer is even there, but restricted to the Nintendo Switch version only. However, some players found that the graphics of the new "GoldenEye 007" remaster are inconsistent with the original. A number of these issues were pointed out by Eurogamer writer John Linneman, who compared scenes from the re-release side-by-side with the same scenes in the original Nintendo 64 version.


Linneman later explained that it had issues with inaccurate texture filtering, as well as "wobbling" vertices and texture seams. The studio behind this most recent "GoldenEye 007" remaster, Code Mystics, has now responded to these and other fans' complaints about the game's visuals. The studio claimed elsewhere that "there are unfortunately a few glitches in the original that aren't easily seen on SD (standard definition)" but some fans don't quite buy that answer.

Code Mystics says the remaster's graphical glitches are authentic

Code Mystics has a few remasters and games under its belt, perhaps most relevant being "Rare Replay," which brought Rare's classics to modern consoles. In response to criticism of the "GoldenEye 007" port, Code Mystics argued that the glitches in its version of "GoldenEye 007" are not new. Responding directly to Linneman's post, the studio claimed that the issue was also there in the original Nintendo 64 version of the game. "Glitches were checked against a real N64 during development," Code Mystics said. "What remains were there too, just blurrier." 


Responding to another player who called out the game's texture glitches and limited framerate, Code Mystics said the framerate of "GoldenEye 007" is determined by the original code. However, responses were quick to point out that other versions of the game — official and unofficial — have no issues running at 60 FPS. One commenter said it was a nostalgic blast from the past but had some glitches, to which the studio responded by pointing out the "graphics quirks" of the game that arose from "breaking new territory on the N64."


Players seem to take particular offense to Code Mystics calling its remaster "authentic," as many have pointed out glaring changes and alterations from the original version of "GoldenEye 007." Whatever the case may be, many fans of the classic FPS are holding out hope for an update that addresses these graphical issues — authentic or not, bizarre glitches can make playing the game difficult.

