Original Metroid Prime Devs Outraged By Remaster's Missing Credits

Fans of "Metroid Prime" — which was released on the GameCube way back in 2002 — have been begging for a remaster for years. And on Feb. 8, fans were granted that wish when Nintendo announced the digital release of a remaster for "Metroid Prime" for the Nintendo Switch seemingly out of the blue. However, this impromptu release of a Nintendo classic hasn't been without its controversy.


While the remastered version of "Metroid Prime" introduced much-needed alterations to the formula, many of the original game's developers have been upset due to a lack of new discernible features and old assets still present in the game. But that isn't the only reason why the game's original development team is peeved. Instead of this original group of developers being acknowledged in the end credits for "Metroid Prime Remastered," a simple thank you message is offered — with no names appearing. In response to this, some of the original devs have voiced their displeasure with the remaster not giving them their just due.

The original Metroid Prime developers were none too pleased

After it emerged that the end credits in "Metroid Prime" did not mention any of the original crew that had worked on the 2002 game, some of the original development team took to social media to express their disappointment. "While many studios did amazing work on the remaster, I'm let down 'Metroid Prime's' Remaster does not include the full original game credits," said Zoid Kirsch, the senior gameplay engineer for "Metroid Prime" and its sequel on the GameCube. "I worked with so many amazing people on the game and everyone's name should be included in the remaster, not just a single card like this."


After Kirsch sounded off on the remaster, "Metroid Prime" technical lead engineer Jack Matthews also voiced his displeasure with how the end credits were handled. "This is a travesty," Matthews said. "Not just for my credit (even though most of my code was probably replaced), but for people whose code and work are largely unchanged, like Mark HH, Steve McCrea, all of the uprezzed art and concepts, the game design. Shameful."


The gaming industry as it pertains to end credits is largely unregulated with higher-ups at development and publishing companies often getting the final say when it comes to who appears in the end credits. Therefore, Nintendo wasn't necessarily legally obligated to include anyone in the credits for the remaster, despite old code still existing in the game.

