The One Fix Metroid Prime Needed To Make For The Remaster

The Nintendo Direct on Feb 8, 2023, was significant for fans of the company's long-dormant franchises and consoles. It opened with more information on "Pikmin 4," revealed that the GameBoy and GameBoy Advance will be added to Switch Online, and announced the remaster fans have been begging for: "Metroid Prime." The most shocking part of the announcement, though, was that "Metroid Prime Remastered" isn't an upcoming game — it was available to download from the Nintendo eShop later that day, with a physical version set to release less than a month after. Nobody even knew the game was being remade, and some fans still can't believe it's real.


"Metroid Prime Remastered" was developed by Retro Studios, the same team that made the original game all those years ago on GameCube. "Metroid Prime Remastered" came out of nowhere, but it's far from a lackluster remaster that Nintendo didn't want to promote. In fact, many fans seem to agree that it could be better described as a complete remake, thanks to its quality-of-life improvements, UI updates, and new controller options.

New controller options have been a particular focus for "Metroid Prime Remastered" fans. But the conversation about dual stick controls is nothing new in the community. Over the last few years, die-hard "Metroid Prime" fans have made mods to patch in support for this control scheme, and some even said that for future "Metroid Prime" games to be successful, they need to include this control layout.


A dual stick control scheme finally brings Metroid Prime into the modern era of gaming

A dual stick control scheme lets players use left and right analog sticks to move and aim simultaneously, which has become the standard for first-person shooter games since "Metroid Prime" was initially released. The original GameCube game required players to stand still if they wanted to aim freely, so moving while firing was only possible with a finicky lock-on mechanic. If Samus needed to free-aim, it was usually for a specific purpose, like scanning an out-of-the-way entity or hitting a distant target that lock-on didn't work for.


Some fans were apprehensive about dual stick being added as an option in "Metroid Prime Remastered," as it could take away from the game's difficulty. It was designed with slower and more restricted aiming in mind, but so far, the consensus seems to be that dual stick controls go a long way in making the classic GameCube game playable in modern times.

Old-school controls, which used the C-stick for items instead of the camera, are still available for those who want an authentic experience. But these new options make the title more approachable for players considering "Metroid Prime" for the first time. Remasters of the "Metroid Prime" games were but a rumor a few months ago, and now that the first one has arrived, fans are eager to see if Nintendo continues the course for the two sequels, too.


