Blumhouse Brings The Scares From The Big Screen To Video Games

Since being founded in 2000, Blumhouse Productions has established itself as a major player in the horror genre. With over a hundred movies to its credit, the company has made a name for itself and won over plenty of fans with hits like "Get Out" and the "Paranormal Activity" franchise, as well as recent hits like "M3gan." Now, the production company is looking to bring its special brand of horror to a brand new medium.


A press release from the company has announced the creation of Blumhouse Games, a publisher intended to work with developers to produce smaller "indie-budget games." The announcement specifically emphasizes that these games will be in the horror genre and that they will be coming to PC, consoles, and even mobile devices. Developing expansive and interesting horror stories on smaller budgets has certainly become a specialty of Blumhouse, so it's not surprising that the company is bringing this approach to video games.

This isn't the first time the company has shown an interest in video games, either. Blumhouse Productions is currently working on a movie based on the "Five Nights at Freddy's" horror franchise, which just recently announced a new director and a start to filming. How much success Blumhouse will see with its new foray in gaming remains to be seen, but the company seems to be taking its investment seriously. 


Blumhouse is bringing on gaming industry veterans

Blumhouse Productions has selected Zach Wood and Don Sechler to head the new games studio as president and CFO, respectively. Wood has been working as a producer in the video game industry since the late 90s, most recently having contributed to "Prey: Mooncrash." Meanwhile, Sechler comes to Blumhouse after nearly ten years with PlayStation, where he helped promote collaborations between Sony and other publishers and developers. Wood expressed his excitement at joining the company, stating in the press release, "There's a unique opportunity for horror and genre in the indie game space, and I'm thrilled about teaming up with Blumhouse to meaningfully leverage the company's brand, reputation, and creative talent." Currently, these are the only officially announced team members, but more employees and partner studios will likely be announced later. 


With a clear vision and experienced leadership, Blumhouse looks to be setting up its new production company for success. There's no word on what (if any) games are currently in the works, so fans will have to be patient for now. If Blumhouse Games can bring the same style that its parent company does to making movies, horror gamers should be in for some great scares and terrifying gameplay.

