Metal Gear Solid Fans Get The Remake They've Been Dreaming Of (And A Whole Lot More)

"Metal Gear" fans have been waiting a long time for Konami to show everyone's favorite tactical espionage series some love, particularly during this age of remakes and reboots. Gamers have been begging for the fan-favorite entry, "Metal Gear Solid 3," to be released from its shackles of older hardware. The past few years have given rise to many rumors of just such a remake, but with Kojima leaving Konami — not to mention all the rumors that the company was shifting its focus away from AAA titles — all hope seemed lost. But now, at long last, the day has finally come when Konami fans are getting exactly what they've wanted.


During the May 24 PlayStation Showcase event, a "Metal Gear Solid 3" remake was officially revealed for the PlayStation 5. And not only was the reveal was as creative as it was visually stunning, but that's not the only treat that was unveiled for patient fans: The original first three games are also landing on the PlayStation 5 in a collection later this year.

Naked Snake is back

The remake teaser opens with a particularly gross closeup shot of an ant before panning out to reveal a lush jungle. Next, the camera zooms in on a dead frog, which then gets snatched up by a green parrot, all while gunfire sounds in the distance. At this point, hardcore fans may have already picked up on the fact this is a "Metal Gear Solid 3" remake trailer, as the green parrot shown appears to be the pet of the century-old sniper boss, The End.


After a short flight, the parrot touches down on a tree branch to feast on its catch — before it can chow down, it is interrupted by a fight between a crocodile and a giant snake. As the parrot flies away from danger, the camera zooms into the distance to reveal Naked Snake himself. The camera fades to black as the original "Snake Eater" theme song begins to play, sending fan hype through the roof. The concluding title card reveals the remake's title to be "Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater," alongside confirmation that it is launching on PS5.

Accompanying the remake announcement was news that a "Metal Gear Solid Master Collection" is coming to PlayStation 5. This collection includes "Metal Gear Solid," "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty," and "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (the original). Fans can relive all of the vent-crawling, box-hiding espionage action of the original trilogy when the new collection hits shelves this fall.


