Destiny 2's 'Dawning' Event Begins Dec. 11

Destiny 2 might have just gotten its latest DLC, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about the game's next seasonal event. The 2018 edition of the Dawning is scheduled to arrive on Dec. 11, and it'll bring some new limited-time activities and, of course, a bunch of new loot to acquire.


One thing fans of the series will be happy about is the return of Eva Levante, who served as a vendor for shaders in the first Destiny. She's been missing since Destiny 2 launched last year, and many thought her dead after the Cabal's attack on the city. Fortunately, Eva lives, and she'll be our main point of contact for this year's Dawning.

In a post on the Bungie website, the studio describes Eva's role in more detail, stating that "Eva has returned to the Tower and brought her baking supplies with her. All players of Destiny 2 are invited to join the celebration. She will provide the oven and some ingredients to get you started, but you will need to go out into world to gather more ingredients by defeating enemies and completing various activities in Destiny 2."


The ingredients in question can later be used to bake cookies, which you'll then turn in to planetary vendors and other characters in the Destiny 2 universe. In return, those characters will load up you with useful resources like enhancement cores, mods, armor, and weapons. And there's even a new heavy machine gun called the Avalanche that you'll be able to obtain as a reward, too.

But let's not kid ourselves. The star of the show is clearly the sparrow seen above. Who doesn't want to ride a Destiny sleigh around for the holidays? There's no word on what exactly the sparrow is called. All we know is that it's the big reward players will be grinding for throughout the course of the Dawning, and that everyone will probably want it.

Not to be outdone, Tess Everis will be stocking the Eververse store with new goods. And as is the case with most seasonal events, Destiny 2 will be handing out double Eververse engram drops when your character levels up. All in all, it looks like there'll be plenty to do in the Dawning. And that's great news, because some players still aren't powerful enough to take part in Black Armory yet.

The Dawning starts on Dec. 11, and will stick around until the start of the new year on Jan. 1, 2019.


