Nintendo Switch 2: New Report Crushes Fans' Hopes & Dreams For 2024

Rumors continue to spill out concerning the successor to the Nintendo Switch, despite Nintendo's refusal to weigh in on any reports concerning the console. While many of these reports tend to be related to the console's size, design, and functionality, the latest rumors point to a disappointing holiday season for Nintendo fans. Fans have been hoping for some news surrounding the Switch 2's release window to arrive any day now, with last week's sudden announcement of a Nintendo Direct seeming like a likely source for just such an announcement. At this point, fans aren't even sure if the unannounced console is actually going to be called the Switch 2, or if that's just a placeholder title. According to Japanese news source Nikkei, the wait for these kinds of basic details may stretch on even longer: Nikkei's sources indicate that the Switch 2 won't be available until next spring.


Nikkei reports that Nintendo had initially planned to put its next console out this year, but a number of factors have since caused the company to push those plans out. As of right now, sources close to the matter tell Nikkei that the Switch 2 — or whatever it's called — may now debut in March 2025. This report has been met with some frustration from fans who have been hoping to snag the new console this year, but it seems Nintendo has very good reasons for waiting.

Nintendo reportedly hopes to avoid supply problems

The report from Nikkei offers a couple of reasons as to why Nintendo has allegedly decided to internally delay its future console plans, noting that the company is concerned with scalping and supply issues. The hope here is that Nintendo can avoid the kind of stock shortages that it ran into back when the Switch originally launched in 2017, so the company plans to wait until a sufficient number of consoles have been manufactured before moving forward with the launch. 


If true, this plan makes a lot of sense. Though the Nintendo Switch has gone on to become one of the best-selling consoles of all time — just behind the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS — it was difficult for folks to get their hands on one for a little while. Supply chain issues rising from COVID-19 lockdowns certainly didn't help matters in recent years, either.

Nikkei's sources also seem to back up previous reports concerning the console's design, including the plan for it to be a hybrid console similar to the current Switch model, albeit with a larger and more high-quality screen. Last summer, rumors began to spread that some video game developers already had access to Switch 2 dev kits and were hard at work on the next generation of third-party Nintendo titles. On top of attempting to ensure a robust production line, Nintendo also reportedly hopes that this delay will give developers plenty of time to get their upcoming games in tip-top shape before release. If that's the case, hopefully Nintendo's new console will hit the ground running with a healthy library when it finally sees the light of day — most likely in 2025.


