GTA 6 Fan Theories We Hope To God Are True

Gamers everywhere are counting down the days until "GTA 6" gets released. Social media explodes every time news of the game's impending release makes its way out into the world, with threads on Reddit and X overflowing with people talking about their hopes for the game. It's already been a long time coming, but having to wait another year or more for "GTA 6" is just too much for some folks. Cue the wild theorizing.


Luckily, there are a few ways to keep busy between now and the eventual release date. Fans are busy scouring the "GTA 6" trailer for small details that might reveal exciting information about the game, working on theories to expose the game's plot or uncover some of its new mechanics. If you're not inclined to make theories of your own, then you can join us in looking over the most exciting ideas people have for "GTA 6" — and crossing our fingers that some of them will turn out to be true.

The GTA 6 map will be Rockstar's biggest yet

Rockstar has been on a steady path of expansion for a while now. "GTA 5" had a bigger, denser map than "GTA 4" did, and then "Red Dead Redemption 2" raised the bar once more by several degrees. We're all but certain that "GTA 6" will have the largest map that Rockstar has ever designed, and some fans have even put some serious work into estimating how big the game will be. 


A couple of years ago, that estimate was purely speculation, and there's still a lack of concrete evidence upon which a real analysis can be built. What we do have now is a trailer that gives some real hints about just how expansive the "GTA 6" map will be. The first "GTA 6" trailer shows off quite a few different areas and ecosystems, including the waterfront, the countryside, the swamps, and Vice City itself — all of which we'll presumably be able to thoroughly explore throughout the game. It's looking like the entire state of Leonidas — the "GTA" stand-in for Florida — is up for grabs!

Fans have also started theorizing about how the game will present the map to players. In the official poster for "GTA 6," Lucia is clearly wearing a court-issued ankle monitor. Many gamers believe that various areas will be locked off in the early game thanks to the monitor. If that's the case, working around the monitor — or simply serving out Lucia's sentence — could be part of the game's story. 


The GTA 6 trailer told a full story

Rockstar has proven over the years that it's excellent at telling compelling stories. The studio is so committed to storytelling that some fans think the developer couldn't help itself from including a full tale in the "GTA 6" trailer. The trailer obviously introduces us to Lucia and her partner, as well as sets the overall vibe of present day Vice City, but some theories posit that the trailer is giving us more than a typical introduction.


If you play the trailer in reverse, the theory holds, you'll see the story of how Lucia ended up in prison in the first place. The end of the trailer shows Lucia and a man — named Jason, according to numerous leaks — in bed together. The middle of the trailer hows the two of them robbing a store and being chased by cops. Some fans think that this might actually be the entire intro section of the game laid out in just a couple of minutes.

"GTA 6" could open with Lucia and Jason already working together. A police chase would make for a great opening action set piece (much like the opening of "GTA 5"), and Lucia getting caught would perfectly set up the fact that she's shackled with an ankle monitor. Assuming this theory is true, the rest of the "GTA 6" story might be a redemption arc for Lucia as she works her way back up through Vice City's criminal hierarchy.


GTA 6 will have plot twists on plot twists

We're really hoping that "GTA 6" tells Rockstar's most ambitious story to date. "GTA 5" masterfully handled its three main characters, and it looks like "GTA 6" is setting up to tell a compelling "Bonnie and Clyde" story. Fans think that there are plenty of secrets hiding beneath the surface of the game's premise, and even though we're anticipating some tragic plot twists, we hope they're right about Rockstar keeping players on their toes. 


In sussing out the plot, some fans have really dug into the lyrics of the Tom Petty song featured in the "GTA 6" trailer. "Love Is a Long Road" is about a man who fell desperately in love with a woman who tried to manipulate him, which leads some people to think that Lucia will betray Jason at some point. 

On the other hand, some fans think that one of the big plot twists in "GTA 6" will be that Jason is an undercover cop working to expose Lucia. To be fair, this theory is mostly based on Jason's manner of dress in the trailer and poster, as well as the fact that fans have been asking for a playable cop character in a "GTA" game for a long time. Still, it also would make sense for the story, especially if Jason goes undercover and genuinely falls in love with Lucia, making things infinitely more complicated. Of course, Rockstar knows its fans well, so there's a good chance the dev team has anticipated these theories and will throw an even more surprising curveball our way. 


