3D Puzzler Gnog Is The Next Free Epic Games Store Title

The Epic Games Store has announced the latest game scheduled to join their revolving lineup of free titles. 

Gnog, a 3D puzzle adventure from Lara Croft GO: The Mirror of Spirits developer KO_OP, transports you to a magical world filled with wondrous creatures and strange contraptions. By manipulating toy monster heads, you'll uncover a wealth of secrets and rewards throughout 9 levels. Featuring optional VR support, you can switch between VR and standard mode to your heart's content. 


"Inspired by real-world toy designs, every GNOG head is a miniature world to discover," says the official description. "Grab a bookcase and spin it to reveal a hidden pile of coins, slide levers to navigate a damaged ship through outer space, crank a wheel to cook a stew on the stove – each playful interaction generates lively feedback and surprising consequences."

Eye-catching designs and a rich, reactive soundtrack compliment each unique level, creating a relaxing and surreal environment for you to play in. This style has earned Gnog a wealth of praise from critics since its release in 2017. "Daft, fun, exuberant and very pretty, it captures a sense of joy like little else," said Rock, Paper, Shotgun's John Walker. 


Kotaku expressed a similar sentiment. "It's a very rewarding sequence that never fails to put a smile on my face," wrote reviewer Mike Fahey. "Ko-Op Mode has created an instant puzzle game classic with Gnog."

If you have an Epic Games Store account, you can download Gnog between August 8 and August 15 to make it a permanent fixture of your library. The puzzle game replaces this week's collection: action-thriller Alan Wake and medieval fighter For Honor. You can snag both for free until August 9. For those who would prefer a different platform, Gnog is also available through Steam and the PlayStation Store for $9.99.

