How Long Does It Take To Beat The Surge 2?

If you like your souls dark and your settings futuristic, The Surge 2 may really speak to you. It's the action RPG follow-up to 2017's The Surge, and as of now, the review embargo has been lifted and thoughts are streaming in about the title from critics. Also coming in: completion times.


How long does it take to beat The Surge 2?

It should take you approximately 20 hours to complete The Surge 2's campaign; this estimate being derived from a several reviewers who seemed to agree on that figure. Destructoid called it a "20ish hour" story. IGN went with "20+" for its review. And PC Gamer reported an ordinary 20 hours. Considering all of those times, 20 hours seems like a safe bet for those jumping into The Surge 2.

How does that compare to the first Surge? In terms of campaign length, the two are pretty much on even footing. The website How Long to Beat pegs The Surge's story mode at 20 hours, so if you're picking up the sequel, you shouldn't expect a longer game. A more polished one? Sure. But not one that expands on the length of the original.


And lastly, it seems as though The Surge 2 hitting the 20-hour mark should spare it from any criticism about its price. We know price and quality rarely go hand in hand, but some players do feel a desire to get as much out of their purchase as possible. At $49.99, you should find you get a decent value out of The Surge 2 as far as total playtime is concerned.

As always, we're eager to see more completion times come in from other websites. And we're really looking forward to getting a better sense of how critics felt about The Surge 2 overall. Be sure to check back should more Surge-related news break; we'll be sure to get the details in front of you.

The Surge 2 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

