Get Your Gwent On In The Closed iOS Beta

Want to play a round of Gwent? Soon you'll be able to on your favorite iOS device, according to CD Projekt Red. Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is coming to the App Store later this month (Oct. 29 to be exact), but first the developers at CDPR are giving players a chance to help them work out all the bugs and strigas through a closed beta


To participate in the closed beta, prospective players can sign up with a email starting today. According to the announcement, signups will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The beta begins on Oct. 15, so you'd best get going if you want to be one of the first people to gain access.

The strategy card game is based on the lore and characters from The Witcher games, but there's no need to be familiar with The Witcher world in order to play. Gwent is a totally stand alone card game that just so happens to make use of the magic and monsters that the titular witcher Geralt faces down and defeats. Geralt himself is an avid player of Gwent, and most NPCs in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt can be challenged to a game.


The mobile version of the game was announced earlier this year in a bombastic trailer that features some seriously cool special effects. We're not talking about a game of Old Maid here, folks. But if you're already well aware of the exciting nature of a good game of Gwent, not to worry: players who have given the game a go on PC can import their progress over to mobile. 

Gwent is purportedly quick to learn and fun to play, so (if you happen to have an iOS device handy) there's no better time than now to jump into this free, competitive card game.

