Silent Hill Art Director Teases New Game

If a recent announcement from Silent Hill 2 and art director Masahiro Ito is to be believed, we may have some scares to look forward to in the very near future. On Twitter, Ito wrote, "I'm working on a title as a core member. I hope the title won't be cancelled." He later added, "About that, I can tell you nothing yet."


This is exciting for several reasons, particularly when one considers Ito's remarks concerning the unknown game's cancellation. The most recent attempt at reviving the franchise was 2014's revelatory P.T., a long-form demo that starred actor Norman Reedus as a man being stalked by an apparition through a house that seemingly had a mind of its own. This was a teaser for a game meant to be called Silent Hills, which would have been a collaboration between video game maestro Hideo Kojima (currently basking in the glow of Death Stranding's critical praise) and celebrated genre film director Guillermo Del Toro. 

Sadly, Silent Hills was canceled following the public falling out between Kojima and the game's publisher, Konami. Despite this, P.T. still stands on its own as an exciting and original piece of video gaming horror history; one that continues to yield new and terrifying surprises for enterprising players who have dug deeper into it. 


While Ito's comments don't necessarily point toward his new project being Silent Hill-related, the references to cancellation somewhat hint that this is somehow reminiscent of that last ill-fated project. It would certainly be a welcome surprise, considering the most recent entry in the franchise was Silent Hill: Book of Memories, a PlayStation Vita RPG that was released to a rather tepid reception in 2012. 

At this point, fans would likely even welcome a remake of the original game. The success of 2019's Resident Evil 2 remake and the hype surrounding the upcoming remake of Resident Evil 3 should be enough proof that there's a market for those kind of nostalgic scares. Regardless, whatever mystery project Ito is working on, we know it'll be something we'll want to play with the lights on.

