The Outer Worlds Is Exploring A New Console In March

The Nintendo Switch has been enjoying ports of all sorts lately. This week we got the fan-favorite Gwent RPG Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Today we have the good news that the hit sci-fi epic from Obsidian, The Outer Worlds, will be coming to the Switch on March 6. 


We were already counting down the days back in October when we heard that the very capable folks at Virtuous would be handling the Switch port. They managed to shrink down Dark Souls Remastered for Switch in just five months. And here we are, ready for one of the best games of 2019 to finally go mobile. Players will be able to explore The Outer Worlds while moving freely in their own world thanks to Virtuous.

What can we expect from The Outer Worlds Switch port?

Collectors of physical media should get hype: thanks to Nintendo, you'll be able to snatch up a digital code for The Outer Worlds packaged in a real box. While there won't be any of those nasty-tasting cartridges, it's still nice that collectors can have a tactile piece of The Outer Worlds for their shelf.


But whether you buy the box or just opt for the code on the Nintendo eShop, this triple-A game still has a triple-A price. This space adventure filled with ridiculous capitalist propaganda will be $60. When The Outer Worlds first took off, this price tag was surprising for some, considering that the game is a fairly short affair. While it is packed with memorable characters, beautiful (and deadly) flora and fauna, and difficult decisions, Obsidian's sci-fi success is only around 25-30 hours, depending on how much of a completionist you are.

Even so, all the rave reviews seem to think that this short but sweet adventure is worth it. The Outer Worlds has been lauded as a "Skyrim in space," rivaling the likes of Bethesda's own Fallout franchise. 


If you just can't wait to try The Outer Worlds on Switch, you can try it out now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

