How Can I Play The Old Map In Apex Legends?

Feeling nostalgic for the original Apex Legends map? To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the game, Respawn Entertainment decided to take players back to the place where it all began: Kings Canyon. The map was playable again, but only for a few days. If you missed out, you're likely out of luck; Respawn has embraced the idea of "limited-time" to the extreme. 


Respawn retired the dusty but scenic Kings Canyon map last October. In its place, players were treated to the World's Edge map, which has more diverse and difficult locations to explore. For one weekend and presumably one weekend only, the Kings Canyon map was made available again for players who are tired of World's Edge. From Friday, Feb. 20 to Monday, Feb. 24, Kings Canyon was back.

Following this announcement, players celebrated on Twitter with gifs and grateful tweets. People like to feel nostalgic and were ready to relive last February when Apex Legends suddenly dropped with no warning or prior information, only the Respawn Entertainment seal of approval. Apex Legends became one of the biggest games of the year, a sort of unexpected and belated Christmas gift.


But not everyone was happy about the announcement. The fact that the return of Kings Canyon was only for a limited run summoned up some beef that fans have with the game. They feel Apex Legends has too many of these "limited-time" events when the developers should just make these modes and maps permanent: why shouldn't they have both World's Edge and Kings Canyon? "This 'limited time' stuff is getting ridiculous," said one disgruntled player on Twitter. "90% of the player base has been asking for permanent Kings Canyon and solo and duo."

It would be nice if Respawn permanently added these fan-favorite maps and modes, but that's not the studio's current strategy. Making these features available for a limited-time makes them special, and brings the player base running back to their keyboards. You shouldn't expect this approach to change anytime soon.

