Things Keep Getting Better For FaZe Clan

When you see the word "FaZe" in a news story, you probably think, "What now?" Did another member of the clan quit on bad terms? Did FaZe Jarvis drop another rap video that is somehow just as painful to watch as it is to listen to?


As it happens, neither one is the case this time around. Instead, FaZe has some different news to report: it's teamed up with production company Sugar23 to "develop films and scripted television in line with the brand's 'aspirational gaming lifestyle' image."

On one hand, this sounds positive for FaZe, as it'll help further promote the clan and it's brand. On the other hand, though, the gaming community at large could be forced to battle back some misconceptions based on how the "gaming lifestyle" is portrayed in these new projects.

Let's get the finer details out of the way first.

The collaboration between FaZe Clan and Sugar23 — which is headed up by producer Michael Sugar — will result in a creation of a new outfit called FaZe Studios. Michael Sugar boasts a fairly solid track record, having been associated with films like Spotlight and The Report, as well as TV projects like 13 Reasons Why and Maniac.


Sugar seemingly knows how to get involved with winners, as Spotlight in particular managed to net him an Oscar. On top of that, some of the projects Sugar's produced have featured Meryl Streep, Will Smith, and Emma Stone. That is not a bad group of people to hang out with, which makes it all the more interesting that Sugar's next big thing will be in conjunction with a bunch of gamers who live in a mansion together.

According to FaZe Clan CEO Lee Trink, the aim of FaZe Studios is to move toward "more longform content." So this'll be less about the YouTube videos and Twitch streams that FaZe is accustomed to. Sugar, meanwhile, sees FaZe Studios as a way "to create content that is not specifically about gaming but about the culture." It's that last sentence that should worry you tremendously.

Ask yourself this question: what is gaming culture and who represents it? You may think gaming is a popular enough activity that all people from all walks can be included. Even if you just play an hour of Clash of Clans on your phone every day, you're a gamer. But following these people around wouldn't make for very good TV.

The more likely scenario will probably see "gaming culture" defined by professionals, streamers, and conference goers who definitely do not represent the entirety of the gaming community. If you use your imagination a little, you can probably figure out what some of these eventual projects might look like: scripted "reality" TV in the vein of The Hills that could ultimately do more harm than good.


We certainly hope that isn't the case, as there are plenty of legit opportunities to shed some light on gaming in interesting ways. A show that interviews a nurse, or a mayor, or a teacher while showing how they balance their gaming hobby with real life could work. A deep-dive look at development could help more people appreciate the sacrifice some make in the name of video games.

A half-hour of Jarvis complaining about his Fortnite ban, however, won't move gaming culture forward. Nor will following a group of people who play games for a living, make an absurd amount of money, and enjoy a lifestyle most simply cannot relate to.

For what it's worth, Sugar is certainly optimistic about the potential of FaZe Studios, stating, "I think FaZe can be tantamount to Disney or Marvel." That's one heck of a target to try and hit. Maybe we'll end up with a Faze Plus streaming service at some point. Or maybe we'll have an entire FaZe Cinematic Universe where movies about FaZe cloakzy and FaZe Ewok culminate in a final Avengers-style team-up story.

And it's worth noting FaZe Clan isn't the first gaming outfit to ink a content deal. Dr. Disrespect — who is no stranger to stirring things up himself — also has a TV project in the works with The Walking Dead studio Skybound Entertainment. So maybe this is just the direction things are going in. Gaming is hot right now: perhaps more played-out subjects are now taking a backseat.


However this deal pans out, and however you feel about it, it is an interesting development in the world of games. We'll have to cross our fingers that gamers as a whole don't come out looking worse if things go south. In the meantime, we'll keep you posted if we hear anything more about FaZe Studios and any projects it has in the pipeline.

