FaZe Rain's Sad Reveal Is Causing An Uproar

The last year or so has been a trying one for Nordan Shat, a.k.a. FaZe Rain. Sadly, his latest updates on social media have painted a dire picture for the esports pro. In fact, the circumstances surrounding FaZe Rain's latest reveal have led to a very polarizing response from his fanbase.


The first signs of trouble brewing involving FaZe Rain came a few months ago, when the news broke that Rain had been asked to move out of the mansion shared by the members of FaZe Clan. At first, Rain told his followers that the move had been a mutual decision, but that story changed rather quickly. He accused FaZe Clan of unfair treatment and of withholding paychecks from him. This prompted FaZe Clan co-owner FaZe Banks to reveal that Rain had been asked to leave over unaddressed issues with drug abuse and untreated mental health issues on Rain's part.

Now, sadly, it appears that Rain's substance abuse has taken its toll on him in more ways than just emotionally and mentally. In a series of tweets, Rain has informed his friends and followers that one of the side effects of his drug abuse has been a nearly complete loss of motor function in his legs. FaZe Rain is effectively paralyzed.


"Please quit the benzos and opioids," Rain implored on Twitter. "I'm posting this because I have severe nerve damage. All I know now is pain. I can't walk anymore & get 30 seizures a day." Rain added that he would never have begun using drugs if he thought this was something that could possibly happen to him. He concluded, "learn from me. You don't want this! I can't handle it."

Rain later clarified that he simply can't do most of the physical everyday actions that he used to. He tweeted, "I cannot walk anymore. I can only move when I call an ambulance to take me somewhere. Trust not having basic motor functions and not being able to do little basic tasks makes u realize a lot."

He explained that his drug use was all part of a self-destructive pattern. He wrote that he'd wanted to take his own life many times, and that drug abuse had become a way for him to do that. However, he now regrets those decisions.

Since Rain's announcement, the reactions from his followers on Twitter have been extremely mixed. This is obviously a touchy issue for many people, whether they're familiar with Rain's work or not. It's only natural that there would be plenty of visceral reactions to the reveal of his current condition. However, the tone and emotions behind these responses have been all over the map.


Some fans have expressed their belief that FaZe Clan hasn't done enough to help Rain through this difficult battle. However, as others have pointed out, people generally have to consent to any kind of medical treatment. Unfortunately, it seems that Rain is only now wishing he had pursued a different path, which is why he is trying to warn his followers before they make similar mistakes.

One follower actually responded with apparently sarcastic laughter, telling FaZe Rain that they had gone through a similar experience, but they felt hat Rain was being irresponsible by sharing his struggle on his regular news feed. They told him that the kids following his account and others in the FaZe family would not be ready to understand the seriousness of the situation. Others have told Rain that his fans asked him to stop his drug use on multiple occasions, but he unfortunately never did.

Many other fans replaying to Rain's posts are from fans and friends coming out in support of Rain. Some have done this by sharing their own personal struggles with addiction. Support has also come from other figures in the esports world, like RiZe Cam, who tweeted, "RiZe has you in its prayers, Nordan."

Despite how awful this turn of events has been for Rain, he said that it has changed how he looks at life. He tweeted, "I have such a different perspective on life & drugs after losing my legs."


It's unclear what kind of treatment Rain is currently receiving, but hopefully he is getting the help he needs. It's encouraging to see that Rain feels like he's turned a corner in his mental health, at the very least. A few weeks ago on his Instagram, FaZe Rain told his fans, "Mind right. Feel clearer. Sorry for the s—t I put you through. I love you & im sorry."

