Why We're Worried About Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 is an upcoming first-person parkour survival game set in a zombie apocalypse. This sequel to Dying Light will focus largely on choice and player consequences. The protagonist, Aiden Caldwell, will be tasked with finding an unidentified item that will benefit humankind. A player's decisions will affect NPC perception and alter whole sections of the map.


The game, originally slated for Spring 2020, was delayed indefinitely in January 2020. At that time, the developers at Techland said they need time to deliver a quality experience for fans. Fast forward to October 2020, however, and Techland has yet to deliver any sort of update. The lack of information is worrisome for a game that's in the "last stretch" of development, according to Senior PR Manager Ola Sondej.

Questionable claims about Dying Light 2's development

The silence from Techland on Dying Light 2's whereabouts has been deafening. The latest information from the studio's PR manager is that Dying Light 2's development is on schedule, but that's far from comforting. Reports released about the game — that Techland has since refuted – have stated that Dying Light 2's development has gone astray. It's hard to tell what's actually going on inside the studio but, one thing is clear: Techland does not wish to share anything new right now.


A theory by Youtuber MathChief suggests there may be internal struggles at Techland with the balance between narrative and RPG mechanics. Another theory is that Techland wants Dying Light 2 to release with next-generation consoles, which could end up debunked if those consoles come out and Dying Light 2 does not. This game was shaping up to be an impressive and massive experience — at least based on what's been seen so far. Hopefully for fans of the franchise, all of Techland's "on schedule" promises hold true.

