Here's How Many People Picked Silent Hill Over Resident Evil As The Best Horror Series

There is always great debate surrounding "the best" when it comes to most video game genres, from RPGs to first-person shooters to racing games. However, few are as equally contested as the horror genre. With plenty of modern classics and retro oldies, the horror genre is rife with quality titles, though there are two series most often proclaimed to be the best in the horror genre: Resident Evil and Silent Hill. While some would expect the Silent Hill franchise to be more popular, it turns out that the fans may feel differently.


In a survey by SVG of about 2,500 participants, only 15% said that Silent Hill was the best horror video game series. The Silent Hill franchise has been dormant for years at this point. With the playable demo known as P.T. being the last fans saw of the series, gamers still await a new iteration. Currently, there is rumored to be a Silent Hill reboot reveal at The Game Awards, but nothing concrete has been announced for the classic horror franchise, which may explain its waning popularity.

Resident Evil is still reigning champion

In the same survey, Dead Space received 11% of the vote. 9% of voters chose "Other," with commenters mentioning Luigi's Mansion, Outlast, and Dying Light. The Evil Within fell below that, winning the favor of 3% of participants.


By far, Resident Evil was voted as the best horror game series, with 62% of voters showing preference for the long-running zombie franchise. The franchise's dominance over the rest illustrates the richness of its catalogue, as Capcom has consistently released Resident Evil titles since the series' 1996 inception. The Resident Evil 3 remake for PC, PS4, and Xbox One was the series' most recent iteration.

Resident Evil 8: Village is set to be the next release in the Resident Evil series. The game will launch in 2021 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Leaks suggest the title will be released in April, though there has been no officially confirmed launch date.

